starlit picnic

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You were feeling exhausted after a long day at work, but the moment you stepped inside your apartment, all your weariness seemed to melt away. As soon as you closed the door, you were greeted with an overwhelming sight: the whole living room was decorated with fairy lights, rose petals, and balloons. There was music playing softly in the background, and the sweet, intoxicating smell of your favorite scented candles filled the room.

Confused and intrigued, you called out for your girlfriend, Wendy, who was nowhere to be seen. But as if on cue, a familiar voice spoke up behind you.

"Hey, baby," Wendy said, wrapping her arms around your waist and giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.

A smile immediately spread across your face, and you turned to face her. "What is all this?" you asked, gesturing to the adorable setup in the room.

"It's a surprise," Wendy replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Come on, let's go outside."

With Wendy leading the way, you stepped out onto your balcony and gasped at the sight before you. The entire balcony was transformed into a magical picnic spot, with a cozy picnic blanket spread out on the floor and fairy lights strung across the railing. In the center of it all, there was a beautiful basket filled with all your favorite snacks, drinks, and desserts.

"I thought we could have a little night picnic under the stars," Wendy said, beaming at you.

You couldn't believe how thoughtful she was, and your heart swelled with affection for this amazing woman in front of you.

"This is perfect," you said, pulling her into a hug.

As you both settled down on the picnic blanket, Wendy reached for a bottle of champagne and popped it open. She poured you both a glass, and you raised yours to make a toast.

"To us," Wendy said with a giddy smile, clinking her glass against yours.

"To us," you repeated, feeling overwhelmed with love for this incredible woman who never failed to surprise you and make you feel loved.

As you both chatted and laughed over delicious food and drinks, you couldn't help but be captivated by your girlfriend's beauty. Her short, chestnut hair framed her face perfectly, and her eyes sparkled in the light of the fairy lights. You reached out to play with her hair, making her giggle.

"Stop it. You're messing up my hair."

"I can't help it. You're just too beautiful," you said, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.

Wendy's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink, and she leaned in to rest her head on your shoulder.

"I wanted to do something special for you, to show you how much you mean to me," she said, her voice soft and filled with emotion.

"You don't have to do anything special, Wendy. Just being with you is more than enough," you replied, cupping her face in your hands and gazing into her eyes.

Wendy's lips curled into a shy smile, and she murmured, "I'm glad you feel that way."

As the night wore on, you both shifted your gaze to the starry sky above, pointing out constellations and making wishes for shooting stars. This moment felt like a dream, and you couldn't believe how lucky you were to have someone like Wendy in your life.

"What did you wish for?" Wendy asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between you.

"I can't tell you. Otherwise it won't come true," you replied, nudging her playfully.

"Fine, be secretive," Wendy teased, sticking out her tongue.

You both laughed, and Wendy snuggled closer to you, resting her head on your shoulder once again.

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