one fateful photo

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You stood in the bustling streets of Seoul, the city you've called home your entire life. Today, like any other day, you were out with your camera, capturing moments that you found interesting or beautiful. You've always been drawn to the art of photography, and it's become a passion of yours.

As you walked, you suddenly saw a commotion up ahead. Curiosity getting the better of you, you quickened your pace and made your way to the source of the commotion. You saw a group of fans huddled around a familiar figure, their eyes trained on her every move.

It took a few seconds for your brain to register who it was, but once it did, you felt your heart skip a beat.

Red Velvet's Wendy. One of your favorite idols.

You've been a fan of her since her debut and have followed her career closely. Seeing her in person now, so close, sent a surge of thrill through your body.

You instinctively reached for your camera, ready to snap a few photos of her. But as you raised your camera, you saw something that took your breath away. Wendy was standing by herself, away from the crowd, and she looked lost in thought. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were curved into a slight smile, almost as if she was recalling a happy memory.

Without thinking, you clicked the capture button, freezing that moment in time. You stared at the photo, and you knew it was a gem. Wendy's candid expression, her vulnerability—it was all there in that one shot.

You caught yourself smiling ear to ear, feeling proud of the photo you had just taken. But when you were about to lower your camera, you heard a voice.

"Excuse me, can I see that photo?"

You turned around to find a security guard looking at you expectantly. You nodded, hesitantly handing over your camera to him, not sure what to expect.

He scrolled through your photos, stopping at the one you took of Wendy.

"This is a great shot. Really captures her essence," he said, handing your camera back to you.

Your heart swelled with pride, and you thanked the security guard, not entirely sure how to react. You watched as he walked away, and you were left standing there, alone with your thoughts.

That photo. The photo you took of Wendy. It was a gem, and it was all yours.

You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within you. You knew that her photo had the potential to turn your amateur photography career around. It could be your ticket to getting your name out there—to make a name for yourself in the photography world—and maybe even opening up opportunities to work with your favorite idols.

With newfound determination, you made your way back home, eager to upload and share your photo with the world.

As you sat in front of your computer, going through your photos, you finally came across the one of Wendy. You edited it, adding your signature touch, and posted it on your social media accounts. You accompanied it with a simple caption:

Captured this candid moment of Wendy from Red Velvet. #Wendy #RedVelvet #CandidShot

You didn't have to wait long for the reactions to pour in. Your photo got shared and retweeted multiple times. People were praising your skills as a photographer, and some even offered to buy prints of your photo.

As you basked in the glory of your photo's success, you received a notification. It was a message from Wendy herself.

Hey, I saw the photo you took of me today. It's beautiful. Would you be willing to meet and talk about it?

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