tangled hearts

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< college au >

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You couldn't stop thinking about her as you got ready for the party. Wendy Son, your classmate from your Psych 101 class. You had liked her from the moment you first laid eyes on her at the start of the semester. Her beautiful smile, kind eyes, and bubbly personality drew you in immediately.

Over the past few months of the class, you found any excuse to partner up with her for assignments and projects, eager to spend more time with her and get to know her better. Slowly but surely, you started to develop real feelings for her, which ended up being more than just a crush.

You were falling for her, but you weren't sure if she felt the same way. She was always so friendly and welcoming to everyone that it was hard to tell if there was anything more behind her interactions with you.

You finally gathered up the courage to confess to her how you felt after your last exam before winter break. But she gently let you down, saying she only saw you as a friend. The rejection stung, but you tried to stay friends, not wanting to lose her from your life.

The two of you still laughed and chatted in class like normal. But deep down, your heart still ached with longing for her. Which is why, when your friend Yeri asked you to come to her New Year's Eve party at her off-campus apartment, you weren't too eager to go. You knew Wendy likely wouldn't be there, and you didn't really feel like celebrating. But Yeri convinced you that it would be a fun way to ring in the new year and take your mind off things.

So here you were, trying to get ready with enough time to spare to head over. You put on your favorite pair of black jeans and a nice blouse, fixing your hair and makeup until you were finally satisfied with your look. Grabbing your jacket and keys, you gave one last glance around your dorm room before heading out into the cold night.

* * *

The party was already in full swing by the time you arrived at Yeri's place. Music pumped loudly from speakers set up around the living room as a crowd of people danced, drank, and chatted happily amongst the festive decorations.

You spotted Yeri immediately, waving to get her attention from across the room.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you came," she said, greeting you with a hug. "Come on, let me introduce you to some people."

She led you around, rattling off names so fast you doubt you'd remember any of them afterwards. But the people were friendly and welcoming as you chatted and smiled, holding a red solo cup of whatever mixed drink Yeri handed you first. After a while, you excused yourself to get some fresh air on the tiny balcony that was hardly big enough for two people.

Lighting a cigarette, you bummed off a new acquaintance. You leaned against the railing, overlooking the dark campus below, lost in thought. Despite the fun atmosphere inside, your mind still lingered on Wendy, as it always seemed to these days. You wished things could be different between you. That she could see you the way you saw her.

"Room for one more?" asked a voice behind you, interrupting your brooding.

You turned to see a pretty girl with long brown hair and kind eyes smiling at you from the doorway.

"Sure, come on out," you replied with a small smile, shifting to make more space.

"I'm Sooyoung," she introduced herself, holding her hand out for you to shake.

"Y/N," you replied, taking her hand in yours.

Her grip was soft yet firm.

"So what's a gorgeous girl like you doing out here all alone on New Year's Eve?" Sooyoung asked, a playful lilt in her tone as she leaned against the railing next to you.

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