private session [m]

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warning: this chapter contains sexual content. if you find it uncomfortable, skip it or don't read it.

a/n: but i hope you enjoy this chapter, and thanks for the reads! merry xmas!

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Wendy had been away in her own little world for the past few months. Ever since Red Velvet's new choreographer entered their lives, she couldn't help but feel a pull towards her. She tried her best to ignore these feelings, telling herself that it was just a crush and that it would pass. But as their practices continued, she found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with her.

As she watched you perfectly choreograph their latest dance routine, Wendy couldn't help but admire you from afar. She loved the way your eyes sparkled with passion as you danced and the way you would smile and laugh with the girls during breaks. But most of all, she loved the way you made her feel when you were alone, rehearsing the routines. The way your gentle hands would rest on her arms, guiding her movements, made her feel excited.

Wendy had found herself daydreaming about you constantly. She imagined what it would be like to go on dates with you, to hold your hand, to be able to call you her girlfriend, and to be able to kiss you. But she knew that it was just a silly fantasy. You were their choreographer, and she was a member of Red Velvet. It could never happen.

Her fellow group members couldn't help but notice her constant daydreaming and giddiness whenever you were around.

"Unnie, you're staring again," Joy nudged her, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.

The girls were seated on the floor while you were on the phone with someone outside the dance studio.

"Sorry," Wendy blushed, embarrassed to have been caught. "I can't help it. Y/N is so talented and beautiful."

The other girls exchanged knowing looks, all too familiar with Wendy's infatuation with you.

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Seulgi suggested with a sly grin.

Wendy's eyes widened in shock. "What? No, I can't do that," she stuttered, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.

"Why not?" Irene chimed in.

"What if she doesn't like girls? I don't want to make things awkward between us," she explained.

Seulgi and the other members exchanged knowing looks, but before anyone could say anything, Yeri spoke up.

"Actually, I overheard her talking to someone on the phone about her ex-girlfriend. So, I think it's safe to say that she's into girls."

Wendy's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had been crushing on you for weeks but never had the courage to ask you out because she assumed you were straight. With this newfound information, she felt a rush of hope and excitement.

Yeri continued, "Come on, unnie. You should take a chance. You never know, she might feel the same way about you."

"That's true. And I've caught you staring at her abs on your phone," Seulgi added.

Wendy bit her bottom lip, contemplating whether to act on her feelings or not. Just then, you walked back inside and called for them to start practicing once again.

As they were rehearsing their latest hit song, Wendy couldn't help but let her gaze wander towards you. She found herself lost in your movements and the way you effortlessly merged a couple of styles into their choreography.

But during a break, Wendy's attention was caught by something else. She noticed you talking to one of the staff members outside the dance studio. From a distance, the two of you seemed to be engaged in a deep conversation. But as Wendy looked closer, she realized that the staff member, a woman, was getting too touchy with you.

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