part 22

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I left Lucy's after a few hours and headed home feeling slightly better, and much more stable in what I was going to do. I rang Gareth when I got home, explaining the situation and how I'd only be gone a few days. He explained how he'd need me and the very first training session mostly to sort anything out that needed doing but then after that everything was fine. I thanked him and then finally relaxed, quickly booking a flight and sorting out finances before sending my mom a quick text to let her know the details of my trip (if trip is the right word.) The weekend flew by, I didn't do much but before I knew it Tuesday arrived and I got back into my normal routine. Packing my bag and heading to training at half eight.

"Good morning ladies! Thank you for all being so prompt. I just need you for a few hours or so and then you can go and do whatever." Gareth says, crossing his arms over his body. A flurry of yeses and nods comes from the girls surrounding me. Lauren was stood over the other side of the group, we hadn't spoken since the other night, and she didn't seem to be hiding any feelings. I was sure she'd forgotten, "Oh," Gareth continued, "I just wanted to let you all know that Alina will not be with us for the start of the training season. She will be taking some time, uh personal time away from the game."
I watched as most people eyes found me, including a certain blondes.
"Is everything okay Ali?" Keira asks from next to me, her hand resting on my arm.
"Yeah- I uh, I'd rather not- not now." I whispered.

The rest of the session went by agonisingly slowly, everyone was glancing over and tiptoeing around me like I was a wounded puppy. So when Gareth finally let us go that weight was lifted. I headed to my car without stopping to have a conversation with anyone, a few said bye or that they hoped I was okay but I just replied quickly; making my way home without any interrogation. I threw some last minute stuff in my bag when I arrived home, my flight being the next morning. I dropped all my bags by my front door, making sure they were easy to get to in the morning. I was just about to get myself up off the sofa to grab something to eat when a knock rang out at my door. I had a feeling it might've been Lucy or Keira, or both, but it wasn't. Instead it was the girl who hadn't said a word to me.

Lauren smiled sweetly and held up a takeout bag in her left hand.
"I had a feeling you hadn't eaten." She said, glancing down at my bags rest by the door.
"Your feeling would be right." I replied, gesturing for her to come into my apartment and pulling her gaze away from my packing. She made her way over to the kitchen, pulling plates and cutlery out like she owned the place. I was grateful for her in that moment. She plopped down next to me on the sofa, and handed me a plate before digging into her own.

"We need to talk." She said, looking over at me. Shit. We were actually gonna address the elephant in the room.
"Look Lauren I'm sorry if I was out of line-"
"What? We need to talk about why you're missing training; what are you on about?"
Of course. She'd forgotten.
"Oh. Uh- yeah it's- it's a long story."
"I don't have anywhere to be." She shrugged, sitting back on the sofa and taking another forkful.
"It's my dad." I replied, numb. I'd managed to come to terms with it I think. Or at the very least I'd cried so much that there were physically no more tears that would come out. "He got deployed again during the Euros. My mom kept it from me cause of my ankle and us winning and everything, but she rang the other night after... uh- after the celebrations. He was killed in duty."
"Oh. Oh Ali." She sighed, placing a comforting hand on my leg. "Your bags? You're going home to be with your family?" She continued softly, glancing over her shoulder towards the front door. I nodded,
"Yeah. I need to see my mom." I replied, a heavy sigh leaving my lips, "She can't be on her own right now. I need to go, even if it's only for a few days."
"I understand." She smiled sadly. "But I'm worried about you. On the outside you look like you're handling this so well, but I know you're still hurting inside. Sorting out plans, deciding things; can you do that alone? If your mom can't help?"
"I'm gonna have to."
Lauren's eyes softened,
"What if you don't have to? What if I-?"
"I can't let you do that."
"You didn't let me finish my sentence." She smiled,
"What if I came with you? As, let's say, emotional support. You don't know what state your mom might be in. And I know damn well that the minute you see her both of you are going to be a mess. And rightfully so. You need someone who isn't as emotionally attached, someone to be a voice of reason."
"Lauren, I can't let you miss training."
"It's a few days Alina. Gareth won't have a heart attack."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." I chuckle. The blonde shares my expression,
"Please let me do this."
"Please Ali. If not for anything else then to make up for not-"
"Yeah. Okay."


Cute little sweet, sad chapter for ya :)

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