part 23

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Gareth did in fact almost have a heart attack when Lauren said she was coming home with me. But because it was over the phone he had to give in quite quickly.

"Okay. Thank you Gareth. Yes, I promise. Okay. Yup. Bye." Lauren laid her phone back in her lap and glanced over at me, "all sorted."
I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, as much as I didn't want her to come with me in the beginning I was glad she persisted.
"Thank you." I said, Lauren smiled softly. "Have you ever been to Denmark?" I continued attempting to lighten the mood. She shook her head,
"No. I've always wanted to though. Maybe we'll have to go again. When you haven't got so much on your mind. You could give me the tour?"
I found her eyes, "I'd love to."
"Right." She started again, standing up from the table. "I am gonna go home and get some stuff together."
"Sounds good. You can come back and stay the night if it's easier, the taxi to the airport is early tomorrow."
"Okay." She smiled, "I shouldn't be long."

Lauren came back with her bag about an hour and a half later and dropped it by mine at the door.
"That was quite impressive." I chuckle,
"When someone needs something off me I can be quite speedy." She laughed, smirking slightly. I rolled my eyes at the blonde, smacking her arm. Lauren's smile faded slowly and she sat back into the sofa, I did the same. We sat in silence for a few seconds, then she turned to look at me. I was absolutely sure she was going to address the situation.
"Thank you for letting me in." She said quietly, "for letting me help." I didn't reply straight away, not really sure what to say to her. She hadn't brought up the kiss and i had other things on my mind so wasn't bringing it up myself. I'd been quiet for too long. "Alina?"
"Uh," I mumbled, lost in my own thoughts and honestly having forgotten the conversation. My eyes welled up with tears again but i blinked them back quickly. Lauren noticed.
"Don't do that." She interrupted, i glanced up at her, eyes still glossy from the tears threatening to escape. "Don't hold them back. Please." My eyeline faltered and i dropped my gaze away from hers. Before i could protest and stop them the floodgates opened, i thought i'd cried all the tears possible but my body clearly had more to give. Lauren's arms crossed round the back of my neck, pulling me into her. I could feel her nails in my hair; quietly comforting. This whole thing, though a relatively normal friendly thing felt oddly intimate, like either of us could lean in to kiss the other at any given moment. We pulled away simultaneously, and Lauren stood up to reach and grab some tissues off the coffee table.

"I'm gonna go to bed." I sniffled, chuckling at my own cowardice and sitting up. "I made up the spare bed whilst you were out. But feel free to do whatever you need to."
"Thank you." She replied smiling.

I turned to face her once more, hoping for a parting statement that would fix everything or something. I took a deep breath obviously getting nothing out of the blonde,
"Thank you," i started, "for what you've done. But; you didn't have to.."
"Hey." She began, placing a hand on my arm, "what are friends for?"

Punched right in the gut.


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