Part 25

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"Hey." I spoke as my mom came into my view through the back door entrance. She smiled at me warmly, hands deep in the suds of the kitchen sink.
"Stick them in there." She offered, gesturing to the two glasses in my hands.
"Thank you." I mumbled, I plopped them into the bubbles, then took a step back, leaning against the island in the middle of the room.
"How is she?" My mom asked, jutting her head towards where Lauren was sat in the garden.
"Yeah she's okay." I chuckled,
"Have you spoke to her yet?"
"Mom." I scolded carefully, "I'm not here to talk about my non existent love life." I smiled sadly.
She copied my action,
"I know i know, im sorry. I think im just avoiding the subject."
"Which is totally normal." I carried on in my home language, "i'm here if you need to talk, or if you need a distraction too apparently."
"The latter, very much so." She smiled, "i wanna know where this goes." She finishes, glancing back out at Lauren who was now sitting up and stroking a flat out Hiro.
"I promise if something happens you'll be the first to know." I take a pause, "actually no you'll be the second, Lucy already took first spot."
"I think me and this Lucy need to be put in contact."
I let out a quick laugh and take a step towards her. She had now finished washing up and was just putting the towel back on its rack. I leant in for a hug, and when it came felt safe in my mother's arms.
"Thank you for coming." She spoke into my shoulder, i let go carefully, smiling.
"Okay." She started back up, grasping her keys off the plate on the window sill, "i have gotta go see auntie jules so i'll be back later today, there's fresh food in so cook whatever."
"Okay," I smile, "see you later."


As the front door shut to signal my mom leaving the house i headed back outside, with another fresh set of drinks for myself and Lauren. She spun around as she heard me coming, smiling carefully in my direction.
"Hey love." I spoke up as i got close enough to place the drinks down.
"Hi," She smiled, i watched as a slight pink rose in her cheeks but then dissipated as quickly as it appeared, "everything okay?" She finished, quietly.
"Yeah." I replied, bending down to stroke Hiro who was curling round my legs, "She's popped out to see my aunt."
"Did she say anything?"
"Nothing no." I wasn't completely lying, just twisting the truth about the actual conversation we just had, "She just wants a distraction and i mean i think she's glad she's got one."
"What about you?" She added, tilting her head ever so slightly.
"I'm just glad to be home."
"Don't need any distractions?" She asks, smirking casually.
I shake my head; laughing. "No." I start, "you're more than enough of a distraction."
"Hmm." She chuckled, "we'll see."
I leant over and hit Lauren on the arm gently,
"Come on you flirt, time for food."

"Sweet chilli chicken wraps?" I asked the blonde, peering inside the fridge and seeing the endless amounts of vegetables and salad in the drawer.
"Oo yes definitely." She replied. Everything was going smoothly until i reached into the cupboard above the sink to grab a food safe clip for the pack of wraps. Rather than landing on the clip i needed my hand found an envelope stuffed into the very back corner. I pulled my hand out; curious as to what it was. My eyes glanced over the wording on the front. My name. In my father's handwriting. The envelope started to shake, i couldn't control my trembling hand.
"Allie? Everything okay?" Lauren asked, coming up behind me. I felt her presence at my shoulder and then a hand on my waist spinning me to face her. My eyes grew heavy with tears threatening to fall, i blinked them back. But Lauren's kind face in-front of me and the saddened look that was plastered there made them come again with no prior warning.
"Oh sweetheart." She cooed, curling her arms around my neck, one hand rest on the back of my head, fingers combing gently through my hair. "You're okay." She sighed, "I've got you." Usually my heart would've done backflips if she called me anything that sounded remotely romantic, but i felt too numb. I knew being back at home was going to be difficult but i didn't realise there'd be a handwritten note waiting for me.
"Here." She spoke up again, pulling away carefully but resting a hand on my back and guiding me to the kitchen table, "Sit."

Lauren crouched infront of me, a hand lying on my leg. Her gaze was sweet but sad and i desperately wanted to kiss her, to be held by her again. But i couldn't be needy, she hadn't spoken to me about anything yet and i didn't want to push. So instead i just sat; eyeline fixed to the letter in my hands whilst Lauren quickly finished up the food before putting it on the table next to me. Our time at the dinner table didn't last long until we were interrupted by my mom coming in through the front door. The envelope was laid out on the table, i hadn't even thought about opening it yet.

It got late fast, me and Lauren had been sat in the living room just flicking through Netflix for the past hour or so, not talking or questioning the outburst earlier. The sun had just started to set and the most gorgeous orange hue came barrelling through the open curtains. I paused the TV and picked myself up off the sofa, standing infront of the window. I heard Lauren get up after me.
"Oh my gosh." Lauren says from over my shoulder, "that's so gorgeous."
I felt my tears threaten to fall again, my family had always spoke about the way lost loved ones painted the sky gorgeous colours. But i hadn't properly believed it until now. I watched as Lauren lifted her phone and took some photos. Her arms then found their way around my waist and her head rest on my shoulder, and i didn't want her to let go. I felt her twist her head and place a careful kiss just in front of my ear, i couldn't help but melt into her. Lauren sighed contently at the touch before carefully choosing her next words.
"I think we need to talk." She whispered into my shoulder, my stomach fluttered and i suddenly felt heavy.
"I think so." I just about managed to get out before nerves took over my throat too.

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hehe the evilness is upon us 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2024 ⏰

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