part 16

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When the first aiders finally brought me back round I was on a trolley, rest pitch-side. My boots, socks and shin pads had all been thrown on the floor, and a paramedic was stood at the bottom of the trolley, assessing my foot. My head was still throbbing, but I managed to turn my neck to face the pitch. The girls were stood in groups just off the centre line, a few nervously glancing in my direction. I sat up slowly, still holding my head,
"Woah. Steady love." The female paramedic said, placing a hand on my back to hold me up. I watched as Keira tapped Lauren on the shoulder, and the blonde turned around quickly. She began the slow walk over towards me,
"Alina. What happened?" Sarina asked, causing my head to turn to the other side.
"I- uh. Defence tried a tackle, but, it. Uh, she hit my ankle." I managed, "What's the damage?"
I watched as Sarina shook her head slowly,
"I can't."
"Sarina please."
"It doesn't look good. That's all I'm going to say." Sarina eyes drifted from mine to over my shoulder and she smiled slightly to herself.

I twisted my head again, only to be met with a teary eyed blonde.
"Oh my god," She started, attaching her eyes to mine, I didn't say anything to the girl but instead brought a hand up to her face, wiping her tears with my thumb. "Are you okay?" She finished, placing one of her hands on my thigh. I nodded,
"I'm okay." I smile, "why are you crying?" I chuckle at the girl quietly. She rolls her eyes carefully,
"I was worried." She says, "I'm allowed to be worried, I mean..."

"Alina. There's an ambulance waiting outside," One of the guys of the side says. Lauren grabs my hand,
"We'll get to the semi's for you." She starts, "but I want you back playing with us by then. Okay?"
I nod, my eyes starting to get teary, the medication wearing off and both my ankle and head beginning to throb again. I lie back carefully, Lauren still grasping onto my hand.

The paramedic placed an oxygen mask over my face, and I slowly closed my eyes. Not even feeling the needle push into the back of my hand.  Lauren's grip slowly faulted on my hand as I was wheeled away.


"Hey doc. When can I leave?" I chuckle, for the fourth or fifth time today.
"I've told you Alina." He began, "We need to get you on crutches before we can discharge you."
"Well when can you get me on crutches? I need to be back on the pitch as soon as."
"Alina. You snapped a ligament, you're not going to be back on the pitch for months."
My doctor gave me a harsh stare, but behind his eyes was a kindness that could not be faked. He wanted me back on the pitch, as much as I wanted it myself. I sighed heavily, shutting myself up and lying back slowly. A nurse came in twenty minutes after the doctor left, clipping me up to some more drips and medication. My head got fuzzy, the way it had been whenever I was given meds. My room door creaked open,
"Hey. How are you?" Alessia asks, making her way over to my bed,I glance at her and then back at the door. Lucy, Keira and Lauren show their faces.
"Hey guys." I smile, "As good as I can be, I suppose."
Lauren took a seat on the end of my bed, Keira and Lucy stood behind her.
"So what's the prognosis?" Keira asks,
"snapped a ligament," I sigh, shrugging my shoulders,
"Oh fuck." Lucy sighs, Keira hits her stomach gently,

I pull a gentle smile, "It's all good Kie. I need as much humour as possible." 
"How long are you going to be out?" Alessia asks,
"Doctors are saying a while."
"The final?" Keira questions,
"I don't think so."
Lauren turns to Keira and Lauren, and the couple must get the hint.
"Hey Less. Why don't we go and get a coffee or something?"
Alessia turns her head, but then smiles,
The three girls leave the hospital room, pulling the door closed behind them. Lauren turns to face me,
"Did we win?" I chuckle,
"They didn't tell you?"
I shook my head, "they won't let me watch. Said I need to focus on recovery."
Lauren chuckled under her breath,
"Yes, we won."
"Oh thank god."
"Exactly how long did the docs say you were going to be out for?"
My eyeline caught the blondes; and her expression upset me, my eyes became watery.
"Oh Ali." She cooed, resting a hand on my thigh,
"He doesn't think I'm gonna be back anytime soon; even for the final."
Lauren's face falls,
"I need you to fight. Fight it-"
"No Alina. I need you there, even if it's on the bench. Please."
She holds my stare, and my eyes water even more so much so that tears are streaming down my face. I nod carefully, a faint smile appears on the blondes face. She leans closer towards me, placing a kiss on the side of my head.
"You will be there. Do it for the team. And if that doesn't work. Do it for me."


So I did. I fought. As hard as possible. A week after my accident I was walking. My physio was impressed with the strength in my ankle, so pushed me further along the track. Weight training had always been a joy of mine, so managing to push through the same weight as before my injury was, in some ways, a clap on the back. Another week later and I was back running. Lucy kept coming in, updating me on scores and who was looking good. Lauren didn't show up again, but I got a text. Quite a harshly worded text saying that 'the next time I see you will be on the pitch'. Lucy informed me that the girls won their quarters, so we're definitely onto the semi's, but they had a week before that game and then eight days; if all went well until the final. Eight days. Eight days to get myself back on that bench.


( I know this is extremely unrealistic trust me. I was off for like 5 months with a broken leg so three weeks even for a torn ligament is INSANE. But I didn't realise how short the Euro's actually was. so 🤷)

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