2. Forests

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As I broke from the Camaro, I decided to go home through the dark forest. I figured that whilst I was living here, I might need to learn my way around Beacon Hills, just as a precaution of sorts. 

I walked through the woods looking up at the gaps between the trees towards the sky, my gaze taking in the green. I came across a few antelope which was fascinating. The forest was so dead that it made me feel like, like nothing. No life was in it so speaking. I ventured deeper into the forest looking every direction, then I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't shake of the feeling of familiarity.

There stood a house. A house that could fit a full family in it. With children playing on the porch, adults talking and laughing, conversing with one another. Just looking at it makes me feel sorrow and remorse for that once happy family. It was burned to the ground., yet somehow, it still stood there, big and strong, but it looked so weak.

It was singed and flaky. The leaves around it had no colour to them, same as the house. I could feel all of the pain coming from the house as I felt a tear drop. I sniffed and then proceeded to walk towards the house.

Once I reached the bottom of the porch steps I breathed in a deep and powerful breath, and let out the loudest howl I could. It would alert every werewolf in the the five mile radius. My family was the one I contacted. I needed them to see this.

Six minutes later I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Thunder, dad and Zealous all looking at me with curiosity before their eyes travelled up the house, taking in its burned self and assessing it. Father sighed and looked at me with regret in his eyes. I cocked my head to the side wondering why the look was there.

Did he know about this?

"Dad, what happened her, why is so dead?" I asked him timidly as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Something traumatic I assume Echo," He replied stiffly. His body looked so calm and composed but his face said something differently. I looked over at Thunder and Z. They were looking at father with confused expressions.

"We should get home before we are found. Echo you really need to get that howl of yours under control." Dad said with authority in his voice. I smiled up at him.

"I did it that loud for a reason dad. I was paying my respects for the family who had lived here," I said proudly my head held high. "But dad, I feel like I know who lived there?"

Dad paused in his steps and faced me with wide eyes. "And who do you think lived here?" He questioned. Thunder was looking between the two of us, confused. 

"The Hale's, I saw one of them at school today," I blurted out, stepping forwards. "He didn't go there but he picked up a boy in my year, Scott McCall."

"We need to go," Dad said with a heavy sigh and began running into the woods, leaving the three of us behind. 

I turned to my brother with a clenched jaw. "He knows something," I concluded, glancing back at the woods he had disappeared through. 

"Yeah, but you know, he's probably hiding it for a good cause, he wouldn't betray us like that," Thunder smiled at me tiredly, ruffling my hair. "How about a race back guys?" He asked looking between myself and Zealous, who eagerly nodded. 

When we reached home I ran up to my room and got a shower. Somehow we had gotten into a play fight, rolling around in the leaves with Zealous. 

After I got a shower I got into my PJ's and went to where my iPod was plugged into the docking station. I turned up the volume and let the music take over my mind as I drifted around the room. 

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