A/N: Bad News

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I think I'm going to discontinue this series, it's adding too much stress with trying to think of many scenarios and sadly, my character has out grown. 

However it's not all bad news for the Teen Wolf fans because... I am doing a different TW story and this one takes place at the start of season 4. 

Here's a snippet.

"Liam, tell us what happened?" Asked a now, wet and soaking Carter, her hand laying on his shoulder comfortingly, she squeezed it gently, letting him know she was here there for him.

Liam sighed and nodded, looking towards Scott who was waiting patiently. "I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation." The three older students stared at Liam, one frowning, the other two still curious. 

"What did they call it?" Questioned Scott, leaning in slightly. The other two were now just as curious, both Stiles and Carter leaned in. 

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder," mumbled an embarrassed Liam, looking everywhere but at Carter nor Scott. His eyes flickered around the room, scanning Stiles who was leaning against the wall, then at Scott who was still crouhed down, a gentle and understanding expression on his face. Then his eyes landed on Carter who blinked up at him, pride in her eyes. She was sat next to him, her shoulder against his. 

"I.E.D? You're literally an I.E.D?" Stiles asked, moving from the wall as he pointed at Liam, making sure he had heard the fifteen year old right. He rubbed at the bridge of his nose before glancing at Scott. "That's great. You gave super powers to a walking time timb."

Carter shot up from the ground, anger coursing through her. "Shut up, spaz!" She shouted in Liam's defence. She felt a hand on her calf and glanced down to see Liam softly shaking his head, nodding for her to sit back down. Carter huffed, annoyed, but sat down once again. 

Scott glanced from Stiles to a tense Carter before focusing back on his beta. "Did they give you anything for it?" 

"Risperdal. It's an anti-psychotic," Liam said, clenching his fist, he felt her presence beside him and soon calmed down however. 

"Oh, this just gets better," Stiles said, sarcasm in his voice as he fidgeted on his feet. He jumped back when Carter tried to lunge for him but she was held to the floor by her wrist. 

"But I don't take it," said Liam, leaning forwards to look at Stiles who scoffed and grinned sarcastically. 

"Obviously," said Stiles, nodding his head. Carter wanted to punch him there and then. 

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