4. Remember

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The need you buried deep

I shot up with a start, looking at my clock and saw it was 5PM at night. I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell happened? I tried to remember what I did when I came home from the ice rink last night.

My phone rang again and I looked at the screen to see 'dad' calling me. I answered, my voice still groggy from sleep. "Yes?"

"I need you to take my car to garage. It's just quit on me, can you please take it?" He asked urgently. I looked at the clock again and nodded but remembered he couldn't see me.

"Fine," I said in a tired voice. My dad spotted that and I could tell he narrowed is eyes at the phone.

"Were you asleep?" He asked warily. So I had a tendency to sleep a lot, so what? 

"Yes," I answered with a monotone voice although I was grinning.

"Will you stop answering with one words?!" He shouted down the phone. I raised my brows at his angry voice.

"Okay," I said. I heard him growl and then heard Thunder in the background laughing. 

"Just come to 138 Pine st. Its on the outskirts of Beacon Hills." He growled out. I nodded again whilst writing it down on a piece of paper with a pen I found on the side of the bed. 

"Kay," I replied and laughed when he growled and hung up. God! I love winding him up so much. 

Half an hour later I was running to the location after searching for where it is on the web and spotted them by the car. 

"Hey!" I shouted. They both turned to me and then turned back to each other. I walked to them but then stopped dead on my feet. I noticed both Thunder and dad had recognized that I wasn't next to them yet causing them to frown at me.

I looked at them with a shocked look on my face before making my way to where he was. The Kanima, I could see it's long tail as it ran. 

I blinked twice and poof. It wasn't there anymore. I saw dad and Thunder squint at the window where I was staring at before looking at me. I ran over to them and asked for the keys, offering for Thunder to come but he declined.

I had a bad feeling.


I knew it. As soon as  I got there I saw the Kanima head for the office room in the garage. I heard a heart beat in there and recognized the familiar voice that let out a strangled cry. I jumped over it and in front of Stiles letting out a loud roar.

It stopped what it was doing and stared at me, almost hissing at me. 

Just as quick it came, it left and I heard a muffle whisper of 'thank you.' I turned around and gasped when I saw Stiles paralyzed neck down. I bent waste down and picked him up bridal style, tucking his head between my shoulder blade and neck.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

I left the garage and walked outside, Stiles sighing at the fresh air in relief. I set him down on the step and smiled at him when he opened his eyes. He was about to open his mouth but I shushed him. I turned around and walked away, leaving the rest up to him and the other people.

3rd person POV

Stiles Stilinski got into a black car slamming the door closed after him and sighed. Scott in the drivers seat looking at him expectantly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," Stiles sighed out, looking down and around becoming fidgety. "You were right. It's not like you, I mean its eyes were almost reptilian, there was something about him." 

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