9. Defences

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That whole defence

"Thunder you don't get it... What if Lydia is the key to stopping all of this? You haven't seen wahat I have." I whispered into the phone as I paced. I was outside Derek's little hangout talking to my brother.

I heard him sigh and then silence followed. I waited patiently a few minutes until he stated his plan for me. "OK Echo, you need to relieve this stress okay? Go run, you'll figure it out, I know you will."

I sighed and muttered an okay before saying goodbye. I walked back into Derek's hangout and listened to there conversation.

"I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time one of us is going to be too hurt to heel," I heard Derek say. "You saw Echo, she still hasn't heeled." I felt the scars on my neck, my face morphed into a look of sadness.

"No I get it, we can't save Jackson," I heard Scott reply sadly. 

"We can't seem to kill him either, I've seen a lot of things Scott, but I have never seen anything like this before." I looked up and stared at the ceiling above me. I need to run, now! I can feel the anger, sadness and desperation crawl up my body.

"How do we stop him?" Scott asked. I turned around to face the door and walked away.

"I don't know. I don't even know if we can." Was the last thing I heard.

I jogged into the woods, starting out the make shift trail and put in my headphones, turning the volume right up and began to sprint down the trail.


3rd Person POV

Opening the vet's doors, in walked Derek Hale. He looked around a few seconds trying to catch a scent of her. He looked over to where Dr. Deaton was stood watching him, who had an amused smirk on his face.

"What?" Derek asked sharply, his eyebrows furrowed in an angry expression. He turned his body to Deaton to look more menacing.

"If you're trying to find Echo, she is not here. She woke up whilst I was gone and had escaped from here," Deaton explained slowly. A small smile came visible his face as he watched Derek's fill with worry.

"Do you know where she is?" He asked stepping forward.

"Why? Why would you want to know?" Deaton asked a curious look etched on to his face.

"Where is she?" Derek asked again, ignoring Deaton's question.

"Why?" Deaton expressed a look of determination on his face.

"I care for her okay! I just need to know she is safe and okay," Derek shouted out. Deaton leaned back smugly, staring straight into Derek's anger glazed eyes. 

"Check the woods, she used to go there when she was younger and her neck, when you see her, look at her neck," Deaton explained. Derek turned to leave but stopped shortly, realizing what he just said.

"She used to live here?" Derek asked confused. He turned back around to face Deaton.

"Yes. Her, her father, her mother and her brothers. All used to live here. I knew her father. He and I used to work with each other. Or should I say gave him advice," Deaton explained softly.

"And that's why your heart sped up yesterday isn't it? You were shocked to see her. It's why you offered to keep her here," Derek realized after a minute of thinking. Silence surrounded them, making the air tense.

Derek opened his mouth but closed it. He turned around and walked to the door. "You said brothers, I thought she had just the one?"

"Her father, when her mother died, he somehow knew how to erase the three siblings minds to the point where they didn't remember anything until five years old, there was the twins and the older brother who was shipped to England, let's just say she isn't seventeen years old." Derek's eyes widened. 

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