12. Never Ending

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It's never-ending, never-ending

We're born, we live, we die. Different bodies, different souls all past onto one another. In a way, we are connected, in more ways than a human could possibly know. But that's just humans, and last time I checked I'm not human. I am a werewolf. I am born, I live and I die. And something tells me that this may be my last day... As myself I suppose.

Chris Argent never really knew what was coming when he opened the door to me that day. He never knew what I was willing to sacrifice to protect him and his daughter, he never really knew why I volunteered to protect them. I sacrificed my life, my house, my dog, my dead family... All for this family. 

So when Chris opened the door to me that dreary night, he was very shocked by the offer I had made to him.

"Hello Chris-"

24 hours earlier

I stood next to Isaac and Scott tensely, cracking my neck from side to side, my arms crossed. I narrowed my eyes at the police officers and medics crowding the place.

"I gotta meet with the medical examiner and try and find out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles, his jeep is still out in the parking lot so that means-" Sheriff cut himself off arubptly, staring down at his notepad for a few seconds before whispering angrily to himself. "God I don't even know that means."

We all looked at him sympathetically, well Scott and Isaac did, I just peered at him. "Look, if he answers any of your calls, any of your emails, if any one of you see him-"

"We'll call you," Isaac whispered to him with a small sympathetic smile. Scott and I nodded from behind Isaac.

"Look, he's probablly just freaked out from all the attention or something," Scott said quietly. I scoffed mentally. Yes, great way to stop a worrying father, Scott. "We'll find him."

Sheriff didn't look any less happier but nonetheless smiled in gratitude and nodded. "Yeah, I-I'll see you," And with that he moped over to his fellow officers. I sighed and turned to face the two teenage boys with a raised eyebrow. 

I smiled mentally as I heard coach's jittering breath approach us and we turned to see him looking nervous. "McCall, look, we need you on the team okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up." He said shaking his head. 

"Yeah I know coach," Scott nodded. Coach nodded as well, turning away before turning back. 

"I know I yell a lot but It's not like I hate you guys, well I kind of hate Greenberg but that's different, It's Greenberg. I'm just saying, we, I need you on the team. Get your grades back up!" Coach said with a frown. 

"I will," Scott confirmed and Bobby smiled turning away. My father had the weirdest friends. Finally noticing everyone had gone

I slumped from my tense frame and walked further over to where they stood. "That everyone?"

"I think so," Isaac drawled out, shuffling around before looking back at Scott and I. Scott was currently snapping off Stiles' locker door. He threw it on the floor and rifled through Stiles' clothes. 

"You're going to find him by scent?" I asked, I looked between Isaac, who shrugged and Scott who was frowning down at the clothes. I tilted by head back and groaned. 

"Yeah we all are," Scott confirmed my thoughts and hand me a shirt, Isaac a shoe and himself his jeans. 

"How come she get's a shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac moaned. I looked up from the shirt and glowered at him. He saw this and backed away a few steps. I saw Scott frown over mine and Isaac' shoulders and turned around, Isaac doing the same. 

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