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I opened my eyes. At first I didn't see much because of the smoke around me, but I could hear screaming. I slowly stand up to see blood on my hands. I gasped, I couldn't understand what was happening around me.

When I looked around I saw something that I will never forget.

I saw at least 40 dead people.

This image has been in my head for rest of my life. I can't forget seeing all these people dead, their blank faces where looking at me. I got so scared I decided to get out of this place. I was running as fast as I could, but my left leg had really bad bruise, then I saw them.
Enforcers armed with weapons. I decided to move faster, but with my injured left leg and with my stress it was almost impossible. I could hear their breathing, like there were getting closer to me.

When I was in the middle of the bridge, I found more ruins of the bridge and more dead people. As soon as I saw this carnage, I tripped over something. When I hit the ground, I turned around to see what I tripped over. It was a body, but not just any body, it was my guardian Mark.

Mark was a friend of my parents and looked out for me when my parents weren't home. He was supposed to take me back home today.

Y/N: Mark!

I turned him over, but what I saw scared me. Mark's face was covered in blood and he had a big hole in his forehead. At that moment, my face began to fill with tears as I realized that Mark was no longer with me.

I stayed with him for 1 minute until I heard walking coming towards me and with that walking went deep breathing. I realized it was a enforcer.

Y/N: *sniffling* I.. I am sorry

I hid behind a giant decimated stone, then I sat down and rest my head on my knees and begin to cry. A few seconds later, I heard enforcer start to move away from me.

I started to get stressed and I didn't know what was going to happen, if I was going to die or if  I was going to survive with tears streaming down my face. I broke down at that moment because I was alone, and maybe forever.

While I was sitting behind the stone, I was enveloped in shadow and I realized that someone was standing in front of me.
I thought it was the enforcer, I decided to look ho is in front of me, but it wasn't a enforcer.
They where two girls, one with pink hair, about four years older than me, and the other one had blue hair and was about the same age as me.

We started at each other for about 10 seconds before the girl with pink hair offered me her hand. I didn't know what was going on, but I grabbed her hand and I stood up.

Before anyone could say anything we all heard someone was approaching us.
We all turned around to see a large man with brown hair and beard.
The man was wearing large metal gloves. We all looked at him in shock and we were scared.
I noticed that the girl with the blue hair grabbed my hand, probably because she was scared.

The man looked at us, and you could see in his face he felt sorry for us. He looked around and then looked back at the three of us. The man removed his metal gloves which subsequently fell to the ground.
All I remember after that was this man carrying us off the bridge and we were safe.
But when we were almost gone, I heard noises that sounded like someone trying to wake up from a bad dream.


I opened my eyes to realize I was in my bed. I also realized I was having another dream where Vander took us under his wings. It's been 4 years when he took me, Vi and....
Before I could finish my thoughts, I heard the sound again of someone trying to wake up from a bad dream.
I turned to my right and saw a girl with blue hair, Powder probably having a bad dream.

Y/N: Hey Pow-Pow wake up.

I told her quietly to try to wake up. In few moments I saw the blue haired girl slowly opening her eyes.

Powder: H.. hey Y/N.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Powder: Yeah, just a bad dream nothing all.

I looked at here face and saw sad expression on her face.

Y/N: What was the dream about?

Suddenly Powder had a face expression that she doesn't want to tell, but I wanted to help her because I know that if you want to stop having a bad dreams you need to tell someone about it.

Y/N: Pow-Pow you can tell me, I want to help you.

Powder face expression change and she decided to tell you.

Powder: Well my dream was about that I was alone for ever.

Y/N: Well that sucks, but you do know that is not true

Powder: Yeah. And you? What you where dreaming?

Y/N: My dream was about the time when Vender took as to the undercity.

After I answered that, I felt Powder start scratching gently my hair.

Powder: Sorry Y/N, but I can't help it I like scratching your hair.

Y/N: It's alright I don't mind.

Y/N: So how are you excited for next day?

Powder: I am really excited I wonder where we're going in Piltover.

Y/N: Well only time will tell

Powder: I just hope we won't get in a cross with enforcers.

Y/N: Don't worry about it Pow-Pow I won't anything happen to you, and so the others.

Powder smiled at me and then her eyes started to slowly close.

Y/N: Good night Pow-Pow

Powder: Good n..night Y/N

My eyes also started to close and I fell asleep immediately even though Powder still had her hand on my hair.

The prologue is finished and hopefully in 3-4 days the whole first chapter will be finished. Thank you for reading.

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