Chapter 4

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I was confused when I woke up, the soft light filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow across the room. My head felt heavy, and my thoughts were still hazy from the events of last night. But as I blinked away the remnants of slumber, the events of the previous night came flooding back, crashing into my consciousness like waves against the shore. It hadn't been a dream; the struggles, the pain, and Alex's presence were all too real. Alex was still there, his presence a reassuring weight beside me. He had stayed through the night, his arms wrapped around me as if to shield me from the darkness that had threatened to consume me. It was a situation that brought a mixture of emotions: relief, gratitude, and a hint of vulnerability.
I shifted slightly in his embrace, trying to find a more comfortable position without disturbing his sleep. His hold on me remained firm, as though he sensed my movements even in his own state of rest. The warmth of his body against mine felt like a lifeline, a tangible reminder that I wasn't alone in this struggle.
As I adjusted my position, my mind began to clear, and I took in the details of the room. The soft morning light painted everything a gentle hue, casting long shadows that danced across the walls. The air held a sense of calm, a stark contrast to the storm that had raged within me just hours before.
Gently, I turned to look at Alex's face, his features relaxed in slumber. The worry lines that had etched his brow the previous night were smoothed out now, and I felt a pang of guilt for burdening him with my troubles. But the tenderness in his expression, even in sleep, reassured me that he was here because he wanted to be and because he cared.
With a careful movement, I slid a bit closer to him, seeking comfort in his presence. His grip on me instinctively tightened, as if he were pulling me closer to chase away the lingering shadows of my distress. The rise and fall of his chest matched the rhythm of his breath. A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Despite the darkness that had threatened to consume me, there was a glimmer of light breaking through—the light of Alex's support. And as I closed my eyes, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, I knew that I wasn't just holding on to him; I was holding on to the promise of a new day, a fresh start, and the possibility of healing. I stayed like this for a while, peacefully enjoying his presence, before I felt him stir.

"Hey Princess.", He gently kissed my head. Princess. I loved when he called me that. I forgot how much I loved it. "I'm sorry about this, but... I really need to get up. I really need to use the bathroom." I giggled and let go of his hand. I kept my eyes closed and felt him get out of bed, but he soon returned, taking me back into his arms. I looked at him, my gaze now more serious. "I'm sorry.. I.. I'm so stupid. I don't know what happened last night. Everything was okay, and then suddenly.. it all happened so fast, and I'm so sorry this is.. god, I don't know why I-", He stopped my rambling with a gentle touch, his fingers tracing a path across my lips before his hand cupped my cheek. And then, before I could utter another word, his lips met mine in a soft, tender kiss. It was a kiss that silenced the chaos within me, a moment of connection.
As our lips parted, he spoke with a calm assurance that grounded me. "Don't apologise," he said, his voice a soothing balm to my wounded soul. "I think we have a lot to talk about, but don't apologize." There's no need to. You're here. You're going to be okay. I'll help you. We can fix this... if you want me to, of course."
I looked into his eyes—those eyes that had seen me at my best and worst, that had held my gaze through moments of joy and moments of sorrow. In that gaze, I found a flicker of hope and a promise of redemption. His words washed over me like a lifeline, and the weight of his sincerity was almost overwhelming.
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. Of course I wanted this. I wanted him to be here. I wanted his support, his understanding, and his presence.
I could feel the knot of anxiety beginning to loosen its grip, and I felt a sense of relief within me. The path ahead was uncertain, and the journey to healing and self-discovery was daunting. But knowing that he was by my side made the path seem less treacherous and the burden less heavy.
This was all so sudden; the flood of emotions was overwhelming in their intensity. But I wanted this. I wanted him, and I wanted us. I wanted to be okay, not just for him but for myself as well.
As I looked at him, his expression filled with a mixture of compassion and dedication. I knew that we were embarking on a journey together. It wouldn't be easy; the scars of the past wouldn't fade overnight, but we were willing to face them and work through them. And as I leaned in to press a soft kiss against his lips, I silently conveyed my gratitude and my commitment to this shared path of healing and growth. "How long are you staying?" "As long as you need me to," he said, smiling and kissing my forehead. "We can talk about last night whenever you're ready, okay?" "Okay.. but.. there's not much to say. I fucked up." He put his hand on my cheek. "You didn't. It's going to be okay. I promise. But we should talk about us."

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