Chapter 18

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As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Alex and I set out on our little adventure. The air was crisp, and the scent of nature surrounded us as we walked hand in hand. The nervous energy radiating from him was noticeable, and it was a stark contrast to his usual confident demeanor. We arrived at a secluded area nestled within a grove of trees. It was a peaceful haven, a world away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, overlooking a silent lake. Alex's eyes lit up as he looked around, as if the memories of his childhood were etched into every corner of this place. "This is it," he said softly, his voice filled with nostalgia. "This is where I used to come when I needed to clear my head, when I got into trouble, or when I just wanted to escape." As we settled onto the grass, Alex began to share stories of his adventures here—the escapades, the laughter, and the moments that had shaped his journey. Listening to him recount his experiences, I felt a deeper connection to him. It was as if I were being let into a part of his life that he had kept hidden—a glimpse into the vulnerabilities and challenges he had faced. "And you know what, Liz?" he said, his eyes locking onto mine with a mixture of sincerity and vulnerability. "Coming here now, with you, feels like closing a chapter of my past and opening a new one with you." His words touched my heart, and I reached out to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. "Alex, this place is special, and I'm honoured that you wanted to share it with me." He smiled, his hand finding mine and intertwining our fingers. I couldn't help but let a playful thought cross my mind. "You know, Alex, I can't help but wonder... have you ever brought another girl here?" He turned to me, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "No, Liz. You're the first one." I raised an eyebrow, feigning disbelief. "Really? I find that hard to believe. This place is just too perfect." He chuckled, his gaze fixed on the tranquil water. "It's true. This spot has always been my little escape, my sanctuary. And I've never felt the need to share it with anyone else until you came along." I felt a warm rush of affection, my heart skipping a beat at his words. "Well, I'm honoured, then. And I have to admit, it's pretty incredible." He nodded, his fingers idly tracing patterns on the grass beside him. "I'm glad you like it. There's just something about this place that's always made me feel at peace, and I thought you might appreciate it too." I leaned my head against his shoulder, my gaze fixed on the water. "I do appreciate it, Alex. And I appreciate you sharing it with me. It's moments like these that make everything we've been through worth it." He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. "I feel the same way, Liz. Being here with you is a reminder of how far we've come and what we've built together." I smiled, my fingers entwining with his. "I never thought I'd find someone who understands me the way you do. Who supports me, challenges me, and loves me unconditionally?" His gaze met mine; his eyes were filled with a mixture of affection and sincerity. "And I never thought I'd find someone who brings out the best in me, who makes me want to be a better person. You've changed my life in ways I could never have imagined." We sat there in silence, just enjoying the moment, until I shifted slightly, glancing at Alex, who seemed lost in thought, his gaze fixed on the water. A sense of unease settled over me, and I couldn't help but notice that he appeared a bit more on edge than usual. It was as if there was something on his mind that he hadn't shared with me. "Hey," I said gently, breaking the silence. "You seem a little... off. Is everything okay?" He blinked and turned his attention to me, a hint of surprise in his eyes, as if he hadn't realised he was projecting his emotions. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to seem distant. I'm okay." I furrowed my brow, unconvinced by his response. "Are you sure? You seem a bit nervous or something." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I guess I've just been thinking about some things lately." I studied his expression, sensing that he wasn't being completely honest. "Alex, you can talk to me about anything." He met my gaze, his eyes softening. "There's something I've been considering, and I'm not sure how to bring it up." My curiosity was piqued, and I gently took his hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You can tell me whatever it is." He let out a breath, his shoulders relaxing a little. "Okay. Well, you know how we've been talking about the future, about where we want to go from here?" I nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Yeah, we've talked about it. Why?" "Well, I realised that the way things are right now, it doesn't feel right." There was this weird feeling of anxiety. Did he bring me here just to tell me he wants to break up??? "Liz, from the very first moment our paths crossed, my world changed in ways I never could have imagined. You brought a light into my life, and you've shown me a love that defies all odds. It's a love that embraces every facet of who you are—your strength, your vulnerability, your kindness, and your presence by my side, even through the toughest storms." His words washed over me, easing the scars left by our past struggles, but there was still this fear inside of me. I was mentally preparing myself for the "but" starting off his next sentence. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he continued, his gaze never wavering from mine. "Liz, you've stood with me through every challenge, including the heartbreak we faced when we lost our baby. In the midst of our grief, you showed me the true meaning of strength and resilience. You've faced your own battles, fought against doubt and pain, and emerged even more radiant than before." Tears welled up in my eyes as he acknowledged the pain we had shared and the hurdles we had overcome. His understanding and acknowledgment of my struggles were a reminder that I was not alone in this journey. I was getting confused. Where is he going with this. "I want you to know, Liz," he continued, his voice unwavering with sincerity, "that my love for you has only deepened through every trial we've faced. I love you not only for the joy you bring into my life but also for the strength you carry within you and the way you've held us together even when everything seemed to crumble." It was as if he were reaching into the depths of my heart, illuminating the corners that had been obscured by pain and uncertainty. With a small, heartfelt smile, he reached into his pocket, producing a delicate box before gently getting off the grass and pulling me up with him. He knelt before me, his eyes locked on mine with a mix of hope and vulnerability. "Liz," he said, his voice tinged with a blend of nervousness and anticipation, "will you do me the honour of being my wife? Will you marry me?"

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