Chapter 11

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My head felt heavy when I woke up, weighed down by the events of the previous night. With a sigh, I reached for my phone, my heart a mix of anticipation and trepidation. As I unlocked my phone, I saw a barrage of messages from Alex, each one longer than the last. His concern had transformed into a heartfelt outpouring of emotions.

+"Liz, are you there? You hung up so suddenly. Is everything okay? Please let me know."

+"Liz, I'm getting really worried about you. Can you please give me a sign that you're okay? I'm here for you, no matter what."

+"Liz, I care about you deeply. If this is bothering you, please remember that I'm here to listen and support you. You're not alone in this."

+"Liz, I understand that you might need some space, but I want you to know that I'm ready to be here for you whenever you're ready to talk. You mean so much to me."

+"I hate to see you upset or distressed. Just remember that you can always lean on me for support. I care about you more than I can express.

+"I know we may not always have all the answers, but we can face whatever challenges come our way together. Your well-being is important to me, Liz."

+"Please talk to me about what's going on. I want to be there for you no matter what."

+"I'm ready to listen whenever you're ready to talk."

+"Hey, I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I couldn't sleep all night, worried sick about you."

+"I know I might have come on too strong, but I just want you to know how much you mean to me. Your well-being is my top priority, and I'll always be here for you."

+"I understand that you're going through something difficult, and I won't push you to talk if you're not ready. Just remember that I love you and I'm here to support you."

As I read his messages, guilt gnawed at me. He had been trying so hard to reach out and offer his understanding and support, and I had shut him out in my own panic.

"I'm sorry for not answering last night. I was overwhelmed and didn't know how to put my feelings into words. This is all too much, Alex."

+"It's okay, babe. I want you to know that I'm scared too. We are scared of making the wrong choice and of the impact this could have on us. But above all, I want you to know that I love you, no matter what."

"I'm scared too. I'm scared of disappointing you, of making a decision that might push us apart."

+"I don't want us to make a decision out of fear, out of the worry that it might strain our relationship. I want us to make a decision based on what's best for both of us and for our future together."

I took a deep breath, my fingers hovering over the keyboard.

"Alex, do you want the baby?"

The seconds stretched into minutes, and my heart pounded in my chest as I awaited his response. Finally, his message appeared on the screen.

+"Yes, I do want the baby Liz. I'm not going to pretend I have all the answers or that I'm not scared too, because I am. The thought of having a baby is a lot to take in. Ever since I met you, I've imagined a future together—one where we grow old, surrounded by love and laughter. And yes, a future where we have a family. It's a dream that I've had for a while now. But I want you to know something crucial: My dreams are not more important than yours. Your feelings matter, your doubts matter, and your well-being matters above all else. I'm not here to pressure you or make you feel like you have to conform to a particular decision. I want us to make this decision together, as a team. If you decide that having a baby is not what you want right now, I will stand by you. Our relationship isn't dependent on whether or not we start a family. So please, take all the time you need to process your thoughts and feelings. Talk to me when you're ready; share your fears, your hopes, and your uncertainties. Remember that I'm here to listen, to understand, and to support you, no matter what path we choose to take. And if that path leads us to a future where we don't have a child now or ever, know that I will still love every moment we spend together. I'll still imagine us growing old regardless of how that happens."

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