Chapter 43

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Alex POV:

As I entered the office to pick up Liz, I was immediately greeted by the sight of her laughing at something Daniel had said. Jealousy surged through me, intensifying with every second that passed. I couldn't stand the thought of another man making her laugh, of another man getting close to her. Without giving it a second thought, I walked straight up to her, my demeanour a mix of possessiveness and determination. I placed my hand on her lower back, pulling her close, and I kissed her in a subtle but unmistakable gesture of claiming her. The tension in the room seemed to rise as Daniel's expression shifted from casual to slightly uncomfortable. "Hey, babe," I said, my voice a low rumble. "Ready to go?" Liz looked up at me, her surprise evident. "Alex? What are you doing here?" "I thought I'd pick you up," I replied, my eyes locking onto hers. I couldn't ignore the unease in Daniel's eyes, and I knew that my actions were sending a clear message: she was mine. Liz's cheeks flushed, and I could tell that she sensed the possessiveness emanating from me. I offered a tight-lipped smile, acknowledging Daniel with a nod that was far from friendly. "Nice to see you again," I muttered, my tone cooler than I intended. "Likewise," Daniel replied, his polite demeanour masking a hint of discomfort. As Liz and I walked out of the office, I couldn't shake the feeling that Daniel's gaze was still on us. My grip on her lower back tightened slightly, a silent reminder that she was mine and no one else's. "Liz," I said, my voice low and controlled. "I know you're just being friendly, but be careful around him. I don't like the way he looks at you." She sighed, her expression a mix of understanding and exasperation. "Alex, you know I love you. There's nothing between me and Daniel." "I know," I replied, my jealousy still gnawing at me. "It's just that... I can't help but feel possessive when it comes to you." Liz reached out and gently squeezed my hand, her touch soothing. "I understand, Alex. But you have to trust me." "I do trust you," I said, my voice softening. "It's just hard after what happened." "I know," she said, her eyes filled with compassion. "But you're the one I love. And I'm yours." We continued walking, my possessiveness gradually subsiding as I held her close. I realised that while my jealousy might rear its head from time to time, it was my unwavering love for Liz that truly defined our relationship. As long as we communicated openly and honestly, we could face any challenge together, including the occasional threat of jealousy.

As Liz and I walked towards the parking lot, Daniel caught up with us, holding out Liz's forgotten phone. "Hey, you left this behind," he said, his gaze lingering on Liz for a moment longer than necessary. Liz thanked him, and I could feel the tension building inside me. When Daniel's comment followed, I saw red. "You're a lucky man, Alex. Your wife is something." Without thinking, my anger exploded. My fist connected with Daniel's jaw, sending him stumbling back. "Stay away from my wife," I growled, my voice laced with fury. "Alex, what the hell?!" Liz exclaimed with shock and disbelief in her eyes. I turned my attention back to Daniel, my chest heaving with rage. "You think you can flirt with my wife right in front of me? You think you have a shot?" Daniel held his jaw, a mixture of surprise and defiance in his expression. "I didn't mean anything by it, man. It was just a comment." I took a menacing step closer to him, my fists clenching. "You're right. It was just a comment. But it's the last one you're making about my wife." Liz's touch on my arm was a grounding force, but it didn't quell the anger that was consuming me. "Alex, stop this," she pleaded. I turned to her with a low, dangerous growl. "I won't stand by while some guy thinks he can get away with hitting on you right in front of me." Daniel took a hesitant step back, clearly realising he'd pushed me too far. "Alright, man, I get it. I'll back off." With that, he walked away, leaving me standing there, seething with possessiveness and jealousy. "Liz, I..." My anger was still palpable, making it hard to find the right words. She looked at me, concern and frustration mingling in her gaze. "Let's just go home, Alex." As we walked back to the car, my jealousy was consuming me, and I knew I needed to find a way to control it. But in that moment, all I could think about was the intense need to protect what was mine, even if it meant crossing lines I never thought I would. The car ride home was tense, and the air was heavy with unspoken emotions. I could still feel the remnants of my anger simmering beneath the surface, but there was something else too. Something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Liz broke the silence, her voice almost teasing. "You really showed him, didn't you?" I glanced at her, my jaw tight. "I had to, Liz. I can't just let some guy flirt with you like that." She leaned back against the seat, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery. "You know, it's funny. I never realized how jealous you could get." I clenched the steering wheel, the jealousy still gnawing at me. "It's not funny, Liz. It's not something I can control." She turned her head to look at me, her expression thoughtful. "I know you're protective, Alex. But seeing you like that... it's kind of a turn-on." My grip on the steering wheel tightened even more, my jealousy mixing with a strange mixture of arousal and possessiveness. "Liz, this isn't a game. I'm serious." She leaned closer, her voice low and sultry. "I know you're serious. That's what makes it so... exciting." I could feel my heart racing, torn between my anger and the intoxicating desire that her words were stirring within me. "Liz, don't play with fire." She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Or what, Alex? Are you going to punish me too?" My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and I could feel the heat of her words seeping into every fibre of my being. "I'm warning you, Liz. You're playing with something you don't fully understand." She leaned back, her expression turning serious. "I know you love me, Alex. And I love you too. But you can't control every little thing. Sometimes, a little jealousy isn't a bad thing." The rest of the car ride was filled with charged tension, the weight of our words lingering in the air between us. I knew Liz was right—I couldn't control everything, and maybe a hint of jealousy was normal. But the intensity of my possessiveness was a force to be reckoned with, and I had to find a way to channel it without letting it consume us both.

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