Chapter 13

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The next few days were filled with emotions, conversations, and preparations, including sharing our news with our families and taking the initial steps towards ensuring the health and well-being of our unborn child. With a sense of determination, we first decided to visit my parents in person. Alex stood by my side as we approached their front door; his presence was a source of strength that calmed my nerves. As we explained our situation, I watched their expressions shift from surprise to understanding and finally to a warm, supportive embrace that filled me with relief. "We're here for you, both of you," my mother assured me, her voice filled with love as she held my hand. My father nodded, a hint of tears glistening in his eyes. "You're not alone. We'll be by your side every step of the way." My sister just reacted by screaming and shouting about becoming the coolest aunt ever. The weight of their support and their love wrapped around us like a comforting blanket, and I felt a sense of gratitude for the family I was blessed to have. The following evening, we gathered around our computer, waiting for the FaceTime call to connect with Alex's family. As his parents' faces appeared on the screen, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Hey, Mom, Dad," Alex greeted, his voice warm and genuine. "There's something important we want to share with you." As we revealed our news, I watched their expressions shift from surprise to a mix of joy and disbelief. It took a moment for the reality of the situation to sink in, but once it did, their smiles were radiant, and their words of congratulations filled the room. "You're going to be parents!" his mother exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness. "We couldn't be happier for you both." The feeling of being surrounded by love and support, even through a screen, was a powerful reminder of the strength of our family bonds. As the call ended, we were left with a sense of reassurance that we were not alone on this journey. A few days later, we found ourselves sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, the anticipation of our first prenatal appointment in the air. Alex's fingers intertwined with mine; his touch was a source of comfort as we exchanged nervous glances. When our names were called, we were led into an examination room where a kind, compassionate doctor welcomed us. As she performed the ultrasound, a sense of awe washed over me as we saw the tiny, flickering heartbeat on the screen—a tiny life that was already growing and thriving. "It's a beautiful sight," the doctor said with a smile, her words filling us with a sense of wonder. "Everything looks healthy and on track." I translated what she said to Alex since she was talking in German, and the relief that flooded through us was overwhelming, a validation that we were making the right choices and taking the necessary steps to ensure the well-being of our child. As we left the doctor's office, the reality of our situation settled around us. We were no longer just a couple; we were soon to be parents. The thought scared me, yet I started to get excited.

A week had passed since the conversations, emotions, and decisions that had consumed my days. As I returned to work, there was a sense of purpose in each step I took, a deep understanding that my life was now intertwined with another, and that the path ahead was one I was eager to embrace. As I made my way to the building, I spotted Nick, the janitor, going about his usual routine. Nick was a fixture in the building, a friendly presence who greeted everyone with a warm smile and a kind word. Over time, we developed a morning ritual of having coffee and smoking together, accompanied by long conversations before I headed to my office. "Morning, Liz," Nick called out, his eyes crinkling with a friendly grin as he waved me over. "Good morning, Nick," I replied, returning his smile as I joined him. "How's everything going?" He chuckled, "Same old, same old. But hey, something's different about you today." I raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in my eyes. "Oh, really? Do tell." Nick's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes studying me for a moment. "You didn't light up," he said, nodding towards my hands. "No cigarette this morning." I glanced down at my empty hands, a small smile tugging at my lips. "You're observant, Nick." He chuckled, his eyes warm and knowing. "Well, when you've been around as long as I have, you pick up on these things." I took a deep breath, a mixture of nostalgia and vulnerability welling up within me. "You're right. I quit smoking this past week." Nick's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You quit? That's fantastic, Liz! But does that mean I lose my morning ritual?" A sense of pride bloomed within me at his genuine enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's been a week now. And no, you won't. I'll still join you, but.. it's not just about me anymore, you know?" He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "I get it. Big changes are happening. Melanie told me Alex came over to visit again. He's not happy about the smoking, then, huh?" He winked, and I smiled at the thought of Mel, my favourite coworker, telling him what I texted her when I explained to her why I was not at work. I hesitated for a moment before deciding to share more. "Yeah, it was a mess, and we had to figure some things out. He's moving in, and... I found out I'm pregnant." Nick's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of excitement and joy lighting up his features before he hugged me. "Well, congratulations, Liz! That's incredible news. Right?" A warmth spread through me at his heartfelt response. "Thank you, Nick. It is.. It's been quite a week." He let go of me, his gaze fixed on me with a paternal affection that felt both comforting and reassuring. "You know, I've seen a lot in my time, and I've learned that life has a funny way of throwing surprises our way. But I can see the love in your eyes." I nodded, touched by his words. "It's not without its challenges, that's for sure. But I'm committed, and I have the support of the people I care about." "That's what matters," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "You're going to do just fine, Liz. And you have a whole community of people rooting for you." As I glanced around the building at the familiar faces and the daily routines that had become a part of my life, I felt a sense of gratitude for the connections I had formed and for the people like Nick who stood by my side, offering their support and wisdom. "Thank you, Nick," I said, my voice filled with appreciation. "I'm glad to have you in my corner." He grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Anytime, kiddo. Just remember, life's full of surprises, but it's how we face them that truly matters." With a final nod of understanding, we went our separate ways, each of us carrying the weight of our conversations, the wisdom of age mingling with the determination of youth. As I resumed my daily routine, I felt I had a network of support and a community of friends.

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