Chapter 16

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The passage of time did little to ease the heaviness that had settled within me. Weeks had gone by since that painful day at the hospital, and while the world around me seemed to move forward, I remained trapped in a cycle of grief that refused to release its grip. The support of friends, family, and coworkers was comforting, but the emptiness within me remained, a persistent ache that coloured every facet of my life. Alex had been a constant presence by my side, offering support and understanding. His love kept me attached to the world, but despite his best efforts, a growing divide had begun to form between us. The intimacy that had once been so natural now felt strained, as if a barrier had been built between us. The nights were the hardest. In the quiet darkness, my thoughts became a battleground of conflicting emotions. The memory of our loss casts a shadow over even the simplest moments. When Alex reached out to hold me or tried to bridge the gap that had formed, I found myself recoiling, unable to shake the weight of my sadness. His touch, once a source of comfort, now felt like a painful reminder of what we had lost. The intimacy we had shared before was now clouded by the echoes of the past, and I couldn't help but feel guilty for distancing myself from him. But the thought of being vulnerable and allowing myself to fully engage in our relationship was a daunting prospect that I wasn't sure I was ready to face. One evening, as we sat together on the couch, the weight of our unspoken tension hung heavy in the air. Alex's hand reached for mine; his touch was gentle and tentative. I felt my heart race, a mixture of longing and apprehension flooding my senses. "Liz," he began softly, his gaze locked onto mine, "we've been through so much together. I want to be close to you and support you in every way I can. But I can feel you pulling away, and it's tearing me apart." The vulnerability in his voice tugged at my heart, a reminder of the love and understanding he had shown me. I swallowed hard; the words caught in my throat as I struggled to find a response. "It's not you, Alex," I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's... it's me. I don't know how to move past this. I don't know how to be the person you need me to be." He reached out to cup my face, his touch tender and full of affection. "You don't have to be anyone other than yourself, Liz. We're in this together, remember? We can face whatever comes our way, as long as we're open and honest with each other." Tears welled up in my eyes, the emotions that had been inside me threatening to overflow. "I'm just scared," I admitted, my voice shaking. "Scared of letting myself feel, of getting close, of... of losing again." Alex's gaze held mine; his expression was a mixture of empathy and determination. "I understand, Liz. But we can't let fear control us. We have to face it together, step by step. And I promise you, no matter what happens, I'll be right here by your side." As his arms enveloped me in a warm embrace, I felt a flicker of something within me, but I pulled away from Alex's embrace. His words had touched me deeply, igniting a spark of hope, but the walls of my own fear and sadness were difficult to breach. The tension in the room seemed to thicken, with the unspoken frustrations between us simmering beneath the surface.

"I appreciate everything you're doing, Alex," I began, my voice strained, "but you don't understand what it's like to carry this weight. I can't just... flip a switch and be okay." His expression shifted from understanding to frustration, his own emotions bubbling to the surface. "I never said it was easy, Liz. But you can't shut me out like this. We're supposed to be partners, facing everything together. I also lost our child." The anger in his voice caught me off guard, a sharp contrast to the support and patience he had shown me. My own frustration welled up within me, a mixture of guilt, sadness, and a deep-seated need to protect myself. "I'm not shutting you out," I retorted, my voice wavering. "I'm trying to protect myself. I can't handle getting close and then losing again. I won't survive that pain a second time." Alex's jaw clenched, his frustration evident in his expression. "You think I don't know that? You think I'm not afraid too? But pushing me away isn't protecting you, Liz. It's pushing us further apart." Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, a surge of conflicting emotions threatening to overwhelm me. "I'm doing the best I can, Alex. I just need time." His gaze bore into mine with a mixture of hurt and anger. "How much time, Liz? How long are you going to keep shutting me out? We're supposed to be a team, but right now, it feels like I'm fighting against you instead of alongside you." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the growing strain in our relationship. My chest tightened, and I struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. "I don't know," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I'm lost, Alex. I'm drowning in my own grief, and I don't know how to find my way back." He exhaled deeply, his frustration seeming to ebb as he softened his gaze. "Liz, I'm here because I want to be. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere. But we can't keep ignoring this. We need to face it head-on, together." I wiped away a tear that had escaped, feeling guilty. "I know you're right, but I'm scared. I'm scared that if I let myself feel, I'll fall apart. I just need time." The tension in the room escalated, and the air crackled with unresolved emotions. Alex's frustration was noticeable; his recent gentle demeanour was overshadowed by the mounting anger he struggled to contain. "You keep saying you need time," he shot back, his voice edged with a bitterness I had never heard before. "But how much time, Liz? Days have turned into weeks, and you're still pushing me away, acting like I'm the enemy." His words pierced through me, igniting a mixture of defensiveness and guilt. I clenched my fists, my own frustration rising to the surface. "I'm not acting like you're the enemy, Alex. I'm trying to protect myself. I literally just explained that!!!" His jaw tensed, his gaze narrowing as he stepped closer. "And what about us? What about me? Am I supposed to stand by and watch you shut me out? Watch you destroy our relationship because you're too afraid to let me in?" The accusation hung in the air like a heavy weight, and I felt my own anger flare in response. "This isn't just about me, Alex. You think I'm not hurting too? You think I'm not terrified of losing you, of losing everything?" His eyes blazed with a fire that matched my own, and his voice rose in frustration. "Then why are you pushing me away? Why are you shutting me out? We're supposed to be a team, Liz. But it feels like you're shutting me out and trying to deal with this on your own." I shook my head, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "I'm not trying to do this alone, Alex. But I can't just pretend everything is fine when it's not." "Fine? You think I want everything to be fine?" His voice was a bitter mixture of anger and hurt. "I want us to face this together. But you keep treating me like I'm the enemy, like I'm some obstacle you have to overcome." The tears spilled over, my vision blurring as I tried to process the emotions within me. The room seemed to close in around us, the tension between Alex and me reaching a breaking point. His frustration had escalated to a boiling rage, and his eyes filled with anger as he confronted me. "You're not just shutting me out, Liz. You're purposely pushing me away, and I can't stand by and watch you ruin us," he spat out, his voice dripping with bitterness. His words cut deep. My own anger flared in response, fueled by hurt and defensiveness. "Ruin us?" I shot back, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and sadness. "You think I'm doing this on purpose? You think I want to be like this?" Alex's jaw clenched, his anger seemingly intensifying with each passing second. "I don't know what to think anymore. Every time I try to get close, you find a new excuse to push me away. It's like you're determined to destroy what we had." The accusation hung in the air, a painful echo of my own fears and doubts. My heart raced, and my chest tightened as a surge of emotions threatened to overwhelm me. "I'm not trying to destroy anything," I retorted, my voice quivering with a mixture of anger and desperation. "I'm trying to shield myself from more pain." His gaze hardened, his eyes locking onto mine with a fierce intensity. "And what about me, Liz? What about my pain? Are you so consumed with your own suffering that you can't even see how this is affecting me?" Tears streamed down my cheeks, and my voice strained as I struggled to respond. "I know you're hurting too, Alex. But I can't just pretend everything is okay when it's not." He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident in every tense movement. "I'm not asking you to pretend. I'm asking you to let me in and let me help you. But you're so wrapped up in your own world that you're shutting me out completely." The weight of his words crashed down on me; the truth behind his accusations was impossible to ignore. A mixture of guilt and sorrow washed over me, my anger giving way to a sense of helplessness. "I don't know how to do this," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how to let myself be vulnerable again, to risk getting hurt." Alex's frustration seemed to pulse in the air, his anger remaining. He took a step closer, his gaze never leaving mine. "At some point, Liz, you have to decide whether you're going to let this consume you or whether you're going to fight for us." Tears blurred my vision as I faced the magnitude of his words, the truth behind them striking me like a blow. The room felt stifling, and the air was heavy with the weight of our unresolved conflict. "Maybe I can't," I whispered, my voice shaking with a mixture of anger and resignation. "Maybe I'm just too broken to be fixed." With that, Alex's face twisted in a mix of frustration and hurt, and he turned away from me, storming out of the room without another word. The sound of the door slamming shut echoed through the silence, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the devastating realisation of what just happened.

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