Chapter 27

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Liz POV:

As our anniversary celebrations came to an end, a thought began to claw its way into my consciousness. I realised that I hadn't gotten my period that month, and a quick mental calculation revealed that I was already three weeks late. With the whirlwind of our anniversary trip and the busy days that followed, the thought of my period had slipped to the back of my mind. The realisation hit me like a bolt of lightning, and my heart started to race. Could it be? Could I really be pregnant? The thought filled me with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. I knew that conception wasn't an exact science, and the anticipation of taking a pregnancy test was overwhelming. I found myself going through the motions of daily life, my mind constantly drifting back to the possibility that I might be carrying a little life within me. Every twinge and every sensation seemed magnified as my body and mind played a game of "what if." I couldn't wait, and the second I got the chance, I took the test. The situation was now different from last time. Last time I was hoping for a negative result, and this time my hands were shaking with anticipation, hoping to see two lines. I held the pregnancy test in my trembling hands, my gaze fixed on the little window that held the answer to my question. It felt like time had slowed down, and every passing second felt like an eternity. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I watched the seconds tick by on the timer I set on my phone. The room felt heavy with silence, broken only by the sound of my own heartbeat echoing in my ears. All the hopes and fears that had been building up inside me came rushing to the surface, creating a swirl of emotions that was impossible to ignore. Finally, the timer beeped, signalling that the test was ready. I held my breath as I turned it around, my eyes scanning the small window. And there it was—two unmistakable lines. A surge of emotions washed over me—joy, relief, and excitement. I stared at the positive result, a smile spreading across my face as tears of happiness filled my eyes. It was a moment I had been waiting for and hoping for, and now that it was here, it felt almost surreal. I whispered to myself, "I'm pregnant," as if saying the words out loud would make the reality sink in. The weight of the news settled on my shoulders, bringing with it a sense of responsibility and wonder. I imagined the life growing within me and the future that Alex and I would share as parents. As I put the pregnancy test down on the bathroom counter, I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. There was still a long journey ahead, but in this moment, all I could feel was gratitude and happiness for the little life that had already changed everything. With newfound purpose and excitement, I walked out of the bathroom to hide the test in my bag.

In the days that followed, I couldn't shake the excitement that had taken root within me. The positive pregnancy test I had taken at home had fueled a growing sense of wonder and anticipation. But there was also an undercurrent of anxiety beneath the surface. I had a plan brewing in my mind, one that would turn our journey to parenthood into a surprise that I hoped would leave Alex speechless. With each passing day, my thoughts were consumed by this secret I was holding onto. I carried the test result with me everywhere, tucked safely in my bag, as a constant reminder of the joy that was waiting to be shared. But there was a small part of me that couldn't help but worry about what if? What if I was wrong? What if the test had been a fluke? What if I had misunderstood the result? One morning, as I settled into my office at work, a quiet moment presented itself. The office was calm, and I found myself compelled to take the pregnancy test again, just to make sure. I slipped into the restroom, my heart racing, and I took another test. As the test developed, I watched with bated breath, my fingers trembling. Two lines slowly appeared, and my heart leaped with a mixture of joy and relief. The positive result was undeniable. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at the result. The reality of what this meant was overwhelming, but the idea of surprising Alex with this incredible news was even more exhilarating. I tucked the test back into my bag next to the other one, feeling a newfound sense of purpose and excitement coursing through me. Over the next few days, I meticulously planned the surprise, weaving it into the fabric of our daily lives. I scoured the internet for creative ideas, looking for the perfect way to reveal the news to Alex. Every detail had to be just right. As the days continued, the anticipation built up within me. I kept my secret close, unable to contain the excitement that radiated from within. But I was also faced with a growing challenge: keeping my enthusiasm in check whenever the topic of pregnancy or babies came up in conversation. One evening, as we were relaxing on the couch, Alex turned to me with a smile. "You know, I've been thinking lately. Maybe it's time we start to actually try?" My heart fluttered at his words, and I did my best to keep a composed expression. "Yeah, I've been thinking about that too." Little did he know. "Maybe we should figure it out once we're back from visiting your parents?" He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Perfect." I decided I'd tell him next week while we were visiting his parents in the UK, and now all the excitement threatened to explode, but I kept my secret safe.

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