Chapter Thirty Three - Reality Check

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Hey guys. Since my internet has been down for a whole week, I haven't been able to upload this chapter but this morning a miracle occured *cue hallelujah music* and my internet came on. The good news is that since I had nothing better to do with my time, I wrote THREE new chapters. Yes, you read that correctly. THREE! They will be up as soon as possible, as soon as I edit them. :)

Anyways, I've been looking through the comments and it seems that some of you have forgotten who some characters are so let me enlighten you. (If you don't need this then feel free to skip to the next chapter) This is going to be really quick. Morgan has a brother, he's called Chase. She also has this thing with Scott, a player. Tessa is her best friend along with Piper who is the director of the school musical. Ryan is working along side of Morgan to help the sceneries. Tori hates Morgan's guts and so does Chloe but up until now Chloe was Morgan's friend so that was kind of a bummer. Justine and Abby are Scott's sister and his mum and dad are called Diane and John. John is a really A-hole and dislikes Morgan because she threw wine in his face while he was on a date. *Ouch*

I think that's about it. That's really brief but it does the job. 

Enjoy the chapter. 

Chapter 33 - Reality Check

Piper drove me home that day. I wanted to avoid having to ask Chase since he would probably go find Scott and beat him to a pulp if he found out what happened. Of course he would find out sometime, but I just hoped I wasn't around when he did. Not that I didn't think Scott deserved to have his face reshaped in some shape, way or form but to destroy something that seemed so perfect just seemed like a crime against mother nature.

We didn't talk which I was grateful for. Piper knew I needed the space at the moment. I knew I was being a complete idiot, acting this way over a boy who may or may not have liked me. And judging by todays events, his feelings were proven perfectly clear. But I was still a girl. And girls who had there hearts stomped on for the first time in their life deserved to be a little quiet sometimes.

She dropped me off and I waved goodbye before telling her how grateful I was to have her as a friend. Her reply was a smile and a warning not to be late for rehearsals tomorrow. When I entered the house it was quiet and eerie. Gran must be at work. She seemed to be working a lot lately since I hardly seen her except for the evenings when we had dinner together but even though I had warmed to her a little over the previous months, I didn't really mind her absence.

I stomped up the stairs and down the hall into my bedroom. There was only one thing to do at a time like this. I had learnt from every single book and movie I had ever read and watched back when I was still the hermit from Colorado to know what to do right now. First I changed into my warm comfy pyjamas and fluffy slippers, then I raced down the stairs into the kitchen where nobody was to be seen which I was thankful for since I didn't want anybody to witness what was about to happen. I opened the refrigerator and rummaged through the stacks of organic products Gran liked to think made her healthy until I finally hit the jack pot.

"My two favourite men in the world." I sighed, holding a tub of Ben & Jerrys cookie dough ice cream  large enought that it could feed a family of six. But right not, it was going to feed a family of me.

Now for the last part of my diabolical plan. I stomped back to my bedroom and headed straight to the CD player and put in the only artist that could even begin to understand what I was feeling at the moment. Taylor Swifts voice blared over the stereo about how she was never getting back together with some guy while I flopped down very unladylike on the bed.

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