Chapter Twenty Nine - Baby Steps

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Chaper 29 - Baby Steps

I wasn't usually such a messy person but I was making an exception for tonight. My clothes were slung over every surface of my room available, make up laid out messily on my dresser and every pair of shoes I owned were currently sprawled all over my floor to a point where I had to skip around my own room to find a suitable place to set my feet.

I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a pout apparent on my face. Not only had I found nothing to wear tonight for Abby's recital but my hair dyer had suddenly decided to blow up, leaving my now towel dried hair to fizz up like a fuzz ball. I'm guessing tonight was not going to be my night. Scott had said that Abby went to a posh ballet school that required families to dress up even for a little ballet recital. So that meant that I had to wear something nice, something other than jeans and a t-shirt which unfortunately was all I seemed to have.

I had gotten over the panicking stage and was now hit with the depression. With one hand I covered my eyes like I could forget this whole mess ever happened whereas the other hand held my phone while I considered calling Scott and telling him that I had suddenly fallen ill with a mysterious illness and unfortunately couldn't make it tonight. But instead of dialling Scott's number, my fingers punched in another. And around ten minutes later, Tessa's blonde hair popped through the door.

She gave me a reassuring smile and entered, closing the door behind her.

"I heard you needed some help." She greeted, coming to stand by my bed. I sat up from my spot on the bed and saw Tessa grimace a little at the sight of my hair but she soon composed her expression in the hope that I wouldn't notice. I noticed.

"You think?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and pointing with my hand to my hair. It looked like someone had dragged me through a tornado. On the bright side, it did smell good.

Tessa reached behind me and set something down on the bed before running her hand through my hair gently as if she were sizing it up. Her eyes were wide with the prospect of a challenge. I had to commend her for not running away screaming as soon as she saw me. 

"Don't worry, we can fix this. It's just a little fuzzy. Nothing I can't fix." Tessa reassured, giving me a smile . I sighed, glad to hear some good news for the first time tonight.

"I don't know what I would do without you." I told her truthfully, grateful that I had her at the moment.  

Ashley, my friend from home, suddenly popped into my head, who I hadn't heard from in weeks. It made me sad that the girl who had been my friend for most of my life was now someone that was quickly becoming someone that I used to know. All those days we spent cooked up in my room while she told me about the boys in her school and how the girls were all obsessed with make up and clothes. We had been so close. And I had thought that we would be close forever. But I knew that this was how life goes. People enter your life, some stay, some leave and some just fade away. There is nothing you can do about it.

"So where do we start?" I asked Tessa, ready to start. One look at my clock told me that Scott would be here in around an hour. I swallowed down my panic and repeated to myself, It's going to be okay.

Tessa pursed her lips and scanned the room before looking at me again.

"From this mess of this place, I'm guessing you haven't found something to wear yet?" She asked, kicking a shoe away from her foot as if to prove her point. I winced at the mess again and nodded my head in shame. What kind of girl was I to not even have anything to wear when I really needed it?

She nodded her head as if she was expecting this answer and then reached for the thing she had set down earlier.

"Luckily for you, I had a feeling this would happen so I brought this."

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