Chapter Twenty Eight - Confessions

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Hey everyone! So here is the next upload. Yay! The chapter was no where near finished but then I was updating my library and none of my favourite stories have been updated in forever and I was like Noooooo! Stop with this torture and update already! Then I realised that this is how you all feel and then I felt bad so I wrote. And here it is.

It's not that exciting, but it's important. It's kind of a filler chapter for the next chapter. Which will be the ballet recital.. Ooh I'm so excited for it!

The banner at the side was made by fallenpride and I love it. :D And the song at the side is one that I am totally obsessed with at the moment so I decided to put it on here.

Anyway I'm writing and uploading this from my phone so it hasn't been edited (Please forgive any mistakes) yet but I promise to do it soon.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 28 - Confessions

"So his little sister caught you making out?"

This was Pipers first words after I told her every single detail about what had happened yesterday between Scott and I. Her response made me blush a little at her bluntness.

"Well yeah. It was embarrassing at the time but a Abby soon forgot all about it which I'm kind of glad about because I don't want her to say anything to her mum about it tonight when I go to the ballet recital with his family." I moaned, thinking of the possibility of this actually happening and how I would just want the ground to swallow me whole if it did. I really need to make sure the little kid doesn't say anything.

At this Piper burst into a fit of laughter, the complete opposite of what I felt like doing right now. I took a sip of the coffee I was holding as we stepped out of the little coffee shop on the way to school.

Piper had insisted that she needed some of her daily dose of the morning juice, as she likes to put it. And I because I was such a pushover and she was the current driver, I went along with it even though we were about fifteen minutes late for our first class.

"So what happened afterwards?" Piper asked as we both opened the door to her car. The sun was shining brightly today and I felt good, as if the nice weather had lifted my entire mood.

"He was so sweet. We went for a walk along the beach with Abby and their huge dog. Then Gran called, demanding I come home so I had to leave. We said good bye, but of course we behaved in front of his sister. And well...that's it." I finished with a nod, taking a sip of my coffee. The hot liquid ran down my throat and even though I was in good mood, I could literally feel the coffee waking me up even more to the point of being hyper.

Piper made a gaging noise and rolled her eyes.

"Ugh that is so sickeningly romantic. I would love to go off this topic but I'm just such a damn gossip that I really need to know more. So is he finally ready to admit he has some feelings for you or what?" She questioned, as we were near the school.

A unintentional grin spread across my face. I really hoped he is ready because all I want is a normal relationship which consisted of other people knowing we were dating. I had been deprived of that for my whole life so I think I deserved a decent one know.

"I think he is...," My words trailed of into a whisper as my eyes closed and I slipped into a sleep.

I awoke to a hard push and my head cracked against something hard. I moaned and rubbed my head, wincing as I felt my sensitive scalp that had just been thrown against the window with a huge force by such a small human being.

I turned around to throw a glare at Piper who was watching me but stopped when I saw that we were already parked at school and Piper was giving me a confused look which really didn't look right on her usually smug and all knowing face.

"What the hell Peters?" I knew she was serious by the way she used my second name. "Did you just fall asleep while talking?" The girl beside me demanded, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and eyes curious and inquisitive.

My mind went into a tizzy. Should I tell her? I had already told Tessa... And Scott. Plus Piper and I had grown close over the past while and I knew I could trust her with my secret. Even though she claimed to be a gossip, she knew when to keep her mouth shut and I think that applied right now.

"Um well Piper the thing is, I have this condition." I began, looking down to my hands that I was now nervously wringing together on my lap.

What was the worst that could happen if I told her?

Piper only quirked up an eyebrow.

"What kind of condition?"

"I have Narcolespy." I finished. She blinked a couple of times before looking me dead in the eyes.

"That's the sleeping disorder right?"

Her question threw me off. It was the first time that I hadn't had to explain what Narcolepsy was when I told someone I had it. When I had told Ashley, my friend from back home, she had had to go home and google before coming back to my place and continuing to have a proper conversation. I even had to explain to Tessa. And Piper was acting so casual. Which I had to admit, I really liked. I've had just about enough of people babying me when they hear about it. This was a refreshing change.

"Yeah, it's the sleeping disorder. How'd you know what it was?" I asked, a little curious at her use of knowledge of the subject.

She only shrugged her shoulders.

"I like to google stuff in my free time. Don't even ask me why though." She raised her hands as if that would stop me asking her that exact question.

I smiled at her randomness and a warm fuzzy feeling started in my stomach which I knew was because I felt accepted. She had dealt with it so easily. But I had to he sure.

"And you're okay with it?" I asked partly to reassure myself too.

Piper looked confused again as she tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear that had fallen loose from her bun.

"Why wouldn't I be? And shouldn't I be asking you the same question since you were just drooling on my seat a minute ago?" She quizzed. I laughed, throwing my head back. Of course she would mention the drooling. I pushed open the car door, remembering that we were really late for first period.

We are so dead.

Piper followed soon after, coming to the same conclusion as I just had. We rushed across the grassy lawn and before my foot touched the concrete my body decided to have another nap and soon enough I was thankfully lying on the grass with Piper kneeling beside me.

"Damn," She drawled. "How have I never noticed you falling asleep all the time?" The redhead asked mostly to herself. I quickly got to my feet and tried unsuccessfully to brush off the grass stains that were currently sprawled across the butt of my new jeans.


While we continued our rush, now nearly forty five minutes late for class, Piper picked this as the perfect time to talk.

"Too bad you couldn't sing. You would be the perfect sleeping beauty for the play. Don't you think?" She asked playfully, turning to look at me as we flew by the english wing and onto science where my first class was in biology.

I laughed nervously and nodded.

"Haha yeah. Too bad I can't sing."

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