Chapter Thirty Four - Operation Hurt

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So did you enjoy the last chapter? This one is probably more of a filler chapter but I'm really excited for what is to come. :)

Chapter 34 - Operation Hurt

I stepped out of the car and scanned the school parking lot for a certain blonde. Chase exited the car next, slamming the door shut and turning to me.

"Don't lesson to Gran. She's just annoyed cause she's used to being the moody one in the house. She doesn't like her title being stolen." He advised in a quiet voice, a small smile apparent on his face which made me look at him.

"That makes me feel so much better. Thank you." I rolled my eyes which made him laugh loudly while reaching down and ruffling up my hair. I slapped his hands away which led him to slap me back. That somehow led us to beginning to playfully smack each other repeatedly over the heads in front of the entire school.

"You two are so immature." Tessa sighed, standing beside us with an amused look on her face. We both straightened up immediately but not before Chase reached up one last time and slapped the back of my head again. I turned to him with a glare before he burst out into a fit of laughter. Before long I was quietly laughing along with him.

From the corner of my eye I saw a figure pass and I turned to see Scott walking past with Mikey who was talking animatedly. But Scott wasn't listening to a word. He was too busy looking at me. The smile immediately slipped from my face into a frown. It only reminded me about what I needed to do. Operation Hurt.

Tessa, seeing the look on my face, linked her arm through mine and began to lead us towards the school. Chase gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before messing up my hair again and quickly departed to talk to his friends on the soccer team.

"Tessa I need your help." I began as soon as he was gone. She turned to me immediately and nodded her head, a concerned expression taking over her face.

"Anything you need." She replied almost instantly. I smiled warmly and felt so lucky to have her as a friend.

"You're awesome. You know that right?" I grinned. She rolled her eyes and dramatically flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Well, I do try. Now spill." Tessa urged. I nodded my head and began to tell her about Gran's words last night and about how they affected me.

"She called me a spoiled little girl." I huffed, my eyes casting down to the floor. The words still hurt even now. I had spent last night going over what she said but I could not fault anything that she pointed out. She was right. I let some guy bring me down to a level I didn't want to be. What happened to the fierceness that all women possessed? I needed to reclaim it and the only way I saw myself doing that was getting back at Scott. I knew I wanted to hurt him but I had no idea how to do it. But I knew that Tessa would. She always had a clear mind and quick thinking.

"Don't let her get to you sweetie. I'm sure she was only saying it because she cares about you." She replied as we stopped at our lockers.

I pulled out the books for my first class and shoved them in my bag. I turned to Tessa while tucking the wavy strands of hair that had gotten loose from my messy bun behind my ear.

"I know. She may be mean and bitter but there is always a reason for it." I sighed, nodding my head. I accepted the fact that Gran just wanted me to stop acting like a ghost, hovering quietly around the house all of the time. "But she said something else. That I should hurt him back somehow." I trailed off, cringing at how juvenile I felt.

To my surprise Tessa seemed to be considering what I said seriously as she pursed her lips and her eyes glazed over. I waited until she was ready and the moment came when she suddenly looked at me excitedly.

"Then there is only one way." She giggled, sounding extremely happy with herself. I felt her excitement radiating off to me but I took a calming breath

"How?" I asked cautiously. I didn't know if I liked the look on her face. I wasn't someone like Tori and Chloe who delighted in torturing others. And I still cared for Scott. How stupid was that? I still cared. That's why I didn't want anything to extreme. I just wanted him to feel a fraction of what I was feeling.

"Make him jealous." She announced. My eyebrows raised. That certainly was a good idea but could I pull it off?

"I don't think so." I began, shaking my head but Tessa placed her hands on my shoulders and silenced my words with a stern look.

"There's a party tonight. Some guy's parents are out of town and everyone's going. All you have to do is look smokin' hot, show up with some eye candy and that's it. Scott will not even know what hit him." She grinned. I felt a slow smile creep up on my face. I could do that, couldn't I?

"You think I could pull that off?" I hesitated. Her eyes widened excitedly.

"Hell yes! And I know exactly what we're going to do. I'm taking you shopping after school and we're going to buy you a kick ass outfit. Oh and I am totally doing your hair." Her eyes glazed over as she pulled me along to our first class together, muttering about her full day of pampering and prepping that she had planned for us.

What had I got myself into?

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