Chapter Five - The Blue Paint Accident.

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Here's the next chapter. I have been uploading everything I have so far everyday this week so I'm quite determined to keep going. This story has been creeping up the lists day by day and I am so happy. It's #328 on the Watts Hot list and #69 on the Teen fiction! Yay! You are all the best. If you could, please continue with the lovely votes or comments. 

The video to the side is something I found and I thought it was so random that I had to put it up here. It's kind of genius :P

Happy Reading.

Chapter 5 - The Blue Paint Accident.

I awoke to a hard slap on the face.


The voice sounded worried. I wish the nice voice hadn't of slapped me. It freaking hurt. 

Wait. Did someone seriously just slap me? The contrast of this rude awakening to the many I in the past was striking. I usually awoke to Chase or my parents giving me a sympathetic look or worse case scenario, I awoke to find I was alone and vulnerable for an unknown amount of time..

I opened my eyes to investigate my surroundings and immediately became aware of the face hovering above my head and that particular face looked worried sick. I took in the wild vivacity of the startling green eyes and the short lock of hair that had fallen out of place and now lay over across his wide forehead. This small bit of imperfection to his perfection made me itch to reach out and tuck it back into it's place. I almost raised my hand before finally recognising who it was on his knees beside me.

 I sprung up from my sleeping position and bumped heads with his.

He gave a sharp shout of pain, laying a hand on his forehead and leaning back in his kneeling position. "This is what I get for being concerned. What the hell is wrong with you?" 

I gasped then covered my eyes in embarrassment. What on earth was I going to say? 

Sorry for the scare, I just like to fall asleep sometimes in the most inappropriate moments, you understand, don't you?

I removed my hands and looked down the hallway, sending silents prayers to whoever was listening at the fact that it was fortunately empty. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the mess in front of me. 

Before I could begin talking he spoke. 

"Did you faint? Are you feeling okay now?" 


It was as if all the words I had accumulated throughout the seventeen years of my life had suddenly been wiped clear from my brain. Each adjective, verb noun or other language device was replaced with incoherent mumbles.

"Can you stand up?" He offered a hand which I took, pulling myself to my feet and away from the door I was slumped against.

"Thank you," My speech had miraculously returned from it's slumber. "I must have just blacked out after all that running. I probably just pushed myself too hard." 

The slight furrow in his eyebrows and the downward curve of his mouth displayed his obvious worry over my health and I immediately felt my stomach sink with guilt that I was lying to him. 

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office? You should get checked over."

"No," I said a little too forcefully. "No I'm fine. It happens sometimes. I'm used to it." 

True. All true. 

"Are you sure? Morgan that doesn't sound healthy?" 

Perhaps it was the embarrassment of being found sleeping on my first day or the guilt I felt at lying, but his words cause something to snap inside. 

"I said I'm fine. Please just leave me alone." My voice was sharp and the effect was immediate. His face turned hard as his jaw tensed and his eyes seemed to become dull. 

"If that's what you want." He punctuated the words with a turn of his torso and he started walking down the hallway, away from me. 

I took a step forward.

"Scott I'm sorry. That was rude. I'm fine, I promise. I just don't want to see a nurse." 

 He stopped his progress and turned back. I sighed in relief. He had been nice to me earlier, despite the fact that he led me in the wrong direction first. I didn't want to push away any potential friends. Especially any that looked like him.

"How sorry are you?" He asked, his lips curving. 

I narrowed my eyes. 

"Not sorry enough for whatever that smile means." 

He let out a burst of laughter and turned away once more. 

"See you later blue." He called as disappeared down the hallway. I remained silent for a moment, my attention caught in the way his broad shoulders moved in the gym shirt he wore.

Wait. Did he call me blue?

What did that mean?

Tessa entered the hallway from the bathroom door, her head jolting when she saw me. 

 "You're still here? Why haven't you showered yet?" Tessa asked, crossing the hallway and opening the door to the shower room, the hum of noise from the girls inside entering the hallway. 

 "I was waiting for you." I lied quickly, recognising how needy those words sounded as they left my mouth almost immediately after I was finished. Tessa turned her head slightly to the side nodded her head slowly.

"Alright. Then let's go." 

We entered the room together, the moisture in the air was noticeable instantly. As we approached the lockers where our clothes were stored, a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Chloe, her head tilted and a smile on her face. "Oh right. 

"Morgan! I thought I'd never see you." She greeted, stepping beside me to retrieve her own clothes. "Give me the details. How much do you hate it here already?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed then began to explain how I had gotten lost earlier. As my story progressed, I noticed that she repeatedly glanced at something past my arm. Soon she stopped me and caught my arm, turning my body torso towards her. 

"Why are you covered in blue paint?" She asked. Tessa leaned over to investigate and suddenly she burst into a fit of laughter which Chloe soon joined in with. I immediately swirled my head around to look and I felt a creak in my neck.

"Ow!" I complained, rubbing the spot where it felt sore. The girls went on to start wiping my back with retrieved tissues from the toilets, trying to get the paint off but from their harsh breaths and furrowed eyebrows I could see that it wasn't effective. 

I suddenly became aware as to why Scott had called me 'blue.'

 "It's already half dry," Tessa confirmed. "We can't do anything about it."

"You must have leaned against the door of the shower room. The janitor just painted it." Chloe explained, trying to suppress a smile. I crossed the cramped room of half naked bodies and opened the door, taking a quick look at it. With a groan I saw the under bright shining luminescent light, was a sign in front in bold capital letters. 'WET PAINT.'

 I groaned and buried my head in my hands.

"Why were you leaning against that door?" Tessa asked once I returned to them.

I have narcolepsy. I fell asleep. I didn't want you to know. 

With a shrug I answered. 

"I must have leaned against it without thinking."

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