Chapter Fifteen - Cute

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Chapter 14 - Cute

Slowly I began to regain consciousness. My eyes didn't feel as heavy as they did before and I felt refreshed as usual. For just half a second, I forgot where I was, expecting to fall back asleep in my bed but when realisation hit me, my eyes flung open in shock.

From what I remember, I should have seen was Scott’s clean bathroom floor in front of me. But instead I found myself lying on top of his bed. What had happened? Did he find me in the bathroom? If he did, how had he gotten in? Millions of questions swirled around my mind like a washing machine, over and over. That was until I looked to the bathroom door and my question of how he found me was answered.

The door had been broke off its hinges, now swinging limply, barely hanging on. Obviously he had broken down his door to get to me. That led me to ask myself, where was he now?

Just as the thought came to my mind I heard a voice outside of the room talking faintly.

Scott's voice.

He was definitely talking to someone, but I couldn’t hear any other voices outside with him. This left me with two options. Either Scott had gone crazy and enjoyed to talk to himself, or he was on the phone. For some reason I chose the latter.

I tried to make out the conversation he was having but I only heard short snaps of it. The lines 'No you shouldn't come, she’s fine' and 'I didn't do anything to make it happen!' came up a lot.

Technically he was lying. He had done something to trigger my sleep attack. He has kissed me. Such a simple action had caused such a burst of emotions inside of me that my condition couldn't handle it. First I had felt shocked, and then an intense feeling of anticipation from what was to come, naturally as it was my first kiss. And after that, well I can only describe my feelings as pure bliss. The only thing that would have set the scene completely would be fireworks exploding around us but even though that didn’t happen; I have to admit it felt like fireworks had exploded inside of my head at the time. And all I could think about now is when will it happen again?

The door suddenly opened revealing an exhausted looking Scott. As soon as my eyes landed on him, our eye connected. I sat up from the bed, about to say something but words just never came out. Just when I thought he would never speak, his smirk which I had grown to actually like appear on his face.

"You gave me quite a scare." He laughed while taking a seat on the edge of the bed. My lips pulled into a nervous smile.

What should I say to him? Did I want him to know I have Narcolepsy? I knew he deserved an answer but for some reason the words wouldn't leave my mouth. Instead I decided to apologise.

"I’m sorry that you had to break down your door." I mumbled, playing with a loose thread on his bed rather than look him in the eyes.

"Don’t apologise. I’m pretty sure you didn’t pass out in my bathroom on purpose. Anyways I always hated that door anyways." His weak attempt to make me feel better helped a little. My mind quickly registered the fact that he had referred to my sleep attack as passing out. I took a deep breath and looked him square in the eyes, prepared to deal with whatever comes my way.

I was shocked to see that his face, which always had a hint of amusement in it, was devoid of any humour and he looked completely serious, his green eyes watching me intensely.

"Are you going to explain what happened?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. There it is. The questions I was hoping to avoid.

But I couldn't deny him the explanation of why he had to bash down his bathroom floor just to get me out. So I told him everything. How I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy from a young age and the struggles I've had to deal with since. How Chase has basically acted as my body guard since the day he realised that his baby sister was more fragile than she looks. Lastly I told him about moving to California, since my gran decided I needed to gain more independence, the one thing that I have been deprived of my whole life.

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