Chapter Thirty Six - The Party (Part 2)

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Here's the next part, just as promised. Remember Hank? The guy who made Scott go off the rails when he began to talk about Morgan in the locker room? Well he plays a part here. 

Warning: There are some pretty intense parts in this chapter so be warned. 

Chapter 36 - The Party (Part 2)

I tapped Pipers shoulder and when she didn't respond I grasped her shoulder and pulled her way from Ryan's face. She turned with a look of pure outrage on her face but it changed to shock when she saw me standing there, literally bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Have you seen Scott?" I blurted out before she could speak. Ryan stood still beside us, still seeming pretty dazed after that kiss.

"Uh I think I saw him go out to the back garden..." She began but before she could finish I was off. I entered the garden and began scanning the crowd for his head but there was no sign of him. I stepped onto the plush grass and began to think. Lots of people had disappeared around the side of the house to the dark corners where they could be alone. What if he was with a girl? The sick feeling returned. It would be a sick twist of fate to find him with some other girl when I was looking for him to tell him how I felt.

I took a deep breath and manned up. If I found him with another girl then I would have to deal with that then but right now, I just wanted to find him.

I walked around the corner and began to whisper his name.

"Scott? Scott, are you out here?" I hissed, not wanting to disturb the couples that I assumed were already there. I stepped further into the darkness, continuing my search and feeling myself tense to bolt if I found him out here with someone else. But to my relief it didn't look like he was. I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders but I didn't rejoice yet. He could still be in one of the bedrooms. I shuddered at the thought but decided not to think of it. The quicker I get out of these shadows, the quicker I could find Scott.

But just as I was about to round the corner to where people were gathered around having fun, a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me back into the shadows. The hand was rough and strong as I struggled to free myself.

"Hey there babe." A voice purred from above me. I vaguely recognised the voice as I squinted my eyes to make him out to be one of the guys from Scott's football team. He leered down at me with look that made my skin crawl. What had I gotten myself into?

"Let me go." I snapped, grabbing at his hands that were wrapped tightly around my waist, trying to pull them away from me. But he wouldn't budge and before I knew it, I was pressed into a corner with my back pushed roughly against the wall. He moved forward until all I could see was the dark shadow of his huge face. My body began to shake as fear crippled me. I had seen enough crime shows to see where this was going. I tried to shove him again but it was no use against his brute force. If was like trying to push a school bus out of your way. I whimpered as the reality hit me.

"Please let me go." I felt tears fall down my cheeks as his hands slowly roamed over my hips and down my thighs.

"Come on babe. I just want to have a bit of fun." He chuckled as if he was doing no wrong. I tried to bring my knee up into his groin but just as I lifted my leg, he pushed us further into the corner where I couldn't move an inch. "You're feisty. I like that. That just makes you even hotter." His voice sounded rough as he lowered his head and began to plant wet kisses along neck. I continued to try and push him away and when I realised that it wasn't going to work I opened my mouth to scream. He seemed to know what I was going to do because one of his giant hands clamped over my mouth. "You're not going anywhere so there's no point screaming." His words made a huge sob wrack through my body.

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