Chapter 4 - 'Blood, Oil and Tears'

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One day, it seemed like a regular naptime. All the kids were asleep, Moondrop was guarding the sleeping kids, and Mini-Sun was cleaning the messed up parts of the daycare for when the kids woke up.

Well... that was, until Moondrop noticed that intruders were entering the daycare.

Now, keep in mind that Mini-Sun used to not mind people coming into the daycare with no warning, up until what was about to happen.

Mini-Sun noticed one of the intruders had a chainsaw, so he evacuated the kids and watched from the daycare window as Moondrop attempted to defend both himself and the daycare.

Mini-Sun watched, hoping that Moondrop would win.

However... the intruder holding the chainsaw turned on the lights, turning Moondrop into Sundrop again, making Sundrop fall off the cord and land on his back, and making him crawl on his hands and feet since the impact made him too weak to stand.

With the daycare attendant helpless before him, the intruder with the chainsaw pinned Sundrop against a play structure with the chainsaw to his neck.

With the daycare attendant helpless before him, the intruder with the chainsaw pinned Sundrop against a play structure with the chainsaw to his neck

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What Mini-Sun heard next would haunt him for the rest of his days.

Sundrop screamed for mercy as the chainsaw went through his neck, while the loud sounds of a chainsaw buzzing were slowly but surely drowning Sundrop's screams out.

After a few minutes...


The chainsaw stopped buzzing, Sundrop stopped screaming...

...and the intruders ran away, having been caught by a guard at the pizzaplex.

When Mini-Sun went back into the daycare, he saw Sundrop, lying there by one of the play structures. His eyes were closed and there was a massive slit in his throat and its circuits.

"...Dad...?" Mini-Sun asked.

No answer.

"...Dad... wake up... the kids are happy that they're safe," Mini-Sun said.

No answer.

"...Do you... want to go out for some Fizzy Faz and perhaps chat with our friends?..." Mini-Sun asked, beginning to sound worried.

Yet again, there was no answer.

It was then and there that Mini-Sun realized he needed to get his programmed father to Parts and Services, so he picked the body up, got out of the daycare, and let some of the workers know.

Mini-Sun and some of the workers at the Pizzaplex took Sundrop's body to Parts and Services, where he was declared irreparable, indicated by a black ribbon that they wrapped around his damaged neck. Often, whenever a black ribbon was wrapped around part of an animatronic, it  meant that they couldn't be repaired, similar to declaring a human dead and unable to be healed.

At that moment, Mini-Sun began to cry. His tears landed on the black ribbon and even mixed with the oil that was beginning to bleed out from the gash in Sundrop's neck.

"Please... don't leave me..." he said, through his crying.

* * *

Saturday morning.

Mini-Sun, a few animatronics, the Pizzaplex workers, and even some families of the kids at the daycare gathered around for the burial of Sundrop's irreparable body.

Freddy and his bandmates were playing a cover of the hymn "How Great Thou Art", the workers who were concealing Sundrop's body were putting it in a box that had a wonderful painting of him on it, and almost everyone there was wearing black and orange-yellow.

Mini-Sun was allowed to say his final goodbyes before they went to bury Sundrop's body.

"Dad... you were the only animatronic here that genuinely cared for me... and it breaks my heart to see you're gone... I just want to tell you that... I love you, and I'll miss you," he said, before crying some more.

It was after Mini-Sun gave that speech that the workers boxing Sundrop's body up went out to a small field that was at the back of Parts and Services, and dug a hole to put his body in, buried it, and marked the grave with a wooden plank that had a laminated poster of the "sunnydrop" candy attached to it, as it was the most notable poster that featured Sundrop.

That was the last time Mini-Sun ever was able to see Sundrop's face in person... but it wasn't the last the daycare ever saw of Sundrop's legacy.

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