Chapter 8 - 'My Father Bleeds Revelation'

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"WHAT?!" Mini-Sun shouted, clearly surprised that his programmed father was even here as a spirit.

Sundrop himself now appeared as a yellow-monochrome hologram who looked just like what Sundrop originally looked like before that whole chainsaw attack happened, only now he had what looked like the image of a black ribbon around his neck, glitching.

"Son, please... I would never harm you even as a spirit," Sundrop said, with that same spectral effect in his voice.

Mini-Sun calmed down a bit but deep down he was unsure whether or not this was in fact Sundrop's inner programming personifying a holographic ghost and not a trick that someone's playing on Mini-Sun.

"Please... have a seat, son," said Sundrop, pointing towards a chair at one of the daycare's play desks that wasn't pushed in.

Mini-Sun nodded and sat down, not saying a word.

After Sundrop sat down next to Mini-Sun, with a golden aura surrounding him now that he was a spirit, Mini-Sun asked him this:

"Wait... if the lights are out, then how are you still as you are?"

Sundrop then explained that after he and Moondrop became "holographic ghosts" as he called these new forms, they were separated and they no longer shared the same body, therefore making them unable to transform into one another. "Moon's hologram is somewhere though," he added, smiling after he said it.

Mini-Sun then tried to process things as he asked this: "What even happened there...?"

Sundrop was silent for a second, the glitchy ribbon around his neck flickering as he thought about it. He then sighed and explained that there was a minority of fans of Fazbear Entertainment that didn't like the new look that they were going for for some of the animatronics, and that he was one of their main targets.

He was apparently not the only animatronic who suffered the attack, but he was the only one who fell to it. And it was the sight to see and the sound to hear too, because after they declared him irreparable, stories of the attack and Sundrop dying in it made local news, with headlines like "Beloved Daycare Attendant Declared Irreparable" and "Millions Of Kids Heartbroken: Face of 'Superstar Daycare' Buried In Small Field".

"The only reason I even knew about this was because Freddy told me a week before they killed me," said Sundrop, with the ribbon around his neck glitching slightly.

Mini-Sun looked shocked from hearing this news. "W- Would you have told me if they didn't kill you first?" he asked, sounding worried.

Sundrop shook his head sadly. "I wanted to... but I didn't want to scare you..." he said, feeling guilty of not telling his son about this whole incident.

Mini-Sun was shocked... but he was also angry. "Why didn't you tell me before you died?! I WOULD'VE UNDERSTOOD YOU, DAD!" he shouted, with his green eyes beginning to glow.

"Son, son..." Sundrop said. He tried to reason with Mini-Sun, but Mini-Sun was having none of it. "A TRUE FATHER WOULD NEVER HIDE ANYTHING IMPORTANT FROM HIS SON!" Mini-Sun shrieked, with angry tears forming in his eyes. He didn't know it, but his eyes were beginning to turn red and a slash was forming below his pupils.

Sundrop ran to get a sheet of aluminum foil so Mini-Sun would look in the mirror. Mini-Sun saw that his eyes changed, and gasped. "Wh- What?!" he shouted, now feeling extremely shocked.

"What's going on?!" exclaimed a voice.

Sundrop recognized this voice and hid in a play structure. The voice belonged to none other than... Vanessa! "Mini-Sun! What on earth are you yelling about?" she asked, looking rather mad at Mini-Sun, whose eyes returned to normal.

Mini-Sun was quiet for a bit before he sighed. "I'm... I'm sorry, miss. I... I don't know what's gotten into me..." he said, sadly.

Vanessa was silent before saying, "Very well. You may continue your cleaning of the daycare," before she left.

It wasn't until she was completely out of Mini-Sun's sight that Sundrop returned to where he originally sat. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, dad," Mini-Sun said sadly.

Sundrop responded with, "I forgive you... I mean, I understand that you're mad at me... me hiding all that from you until I became a hologram was very irresponsible of me to do..."

Mini-Sun's face flooded with tears. "If you were still alive I would hug you right now..." he said about to sob.

Sundrop then looked at the clock on the daycare wall. It read 11:58 PM, which was close to midnight.

"I can't stay here for long," he said, "But remember, son... I love you and you'll do great as my successor."

Mini-Sun cried as he waved goodbye to the vanishing hologram of Sundrop.

He cried and cried and cried himself to sleep, which lead the whites of his eyes to turning a pinkish hue the next morning.

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