Chapter 13 - 'The Dark Side of the Sun'

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Elise was shocked at Mini-Sun's rage. Mini-Sun, when he was yelling, was somehow twice as loud as Sundrop was when he was yelling, and whenever you sat too close to him that would be bound to make your eardrums break.

In general, this outburst of rage revealed a new side to Mini-Sun that Elise had never seen before. The Mini-Sun she knew was a shy, sensitive soul who, although mostly silent, had a constant stream of thoughts in that computer chip brain of his, and who would also love talking with kids and teens between 3 to 18.

But this rage revealed a side to Mini-Sun that was irritable, hostile, and kind of misunderstanding. And to make matters worse, nobody else had seen him act this irritable until after Sundrop died!

And this was in the evening too, so Elise took this time to guess in her mind that this was a sign that he will soon gain the ability to transform at night, like his father before him.

But externally, Elise was trying to calm Mini-Sun down. After Mini-Sun kept refusing to cooperate, he said something that Elise least expected him to say.

And that something was this:

"I've had enough of your suggestions, Taylor. So full of empty promises, empty like the very souls of most of these phony animatronics."

And it was in a completely different voice than Mini-Sun's, too! Whereas Mini-Sun's voice was pitch Sun, tone and accent Moon, this new voice was pitch Moon, tone and accent Sun, with the addition of a slight but obvious Welsh accent.

But even without that voice, Mini-Sun spoke in a way that he had never spoken before: A very poetic sort of way of speaking.

"Mini-Sun... your voice! It changed!" Elise said, shocked at what she had just heard.

Mini-Sun's eyes returned to normal and he ran over, panicked, to a nearby engineer within the Pizzaplex.

"Sir," said Mini-Sun to the engineer, "My assistant told me that when I got angry at her, my voice changed!"

The engineer was puzzled for a bit before he realized what was happening.

"Kid... I hate to tell you this, but... it might be happening soon," said the engineer in despair.

Mini-Sun felt chills down his metal spine. "It? What's 'It'?!" He asked in fear, to which the engineer just looked at Mini-Sun in fear and disbelief. Mini-Sun had no idea what was going on, Elise was scared of what happened to Mini-Sun's voice, and the engineer Mini-Sun was talking to didn't know how to explain what was happening to him.

All three of those factors put together were just a recipe for disaster and stress.

But what was about to happen later that night... would prove to be even worse.

* * *

Later that night, the Taylors were still at the Pizzaplex, and Mini-Sun was charging.

Elise was talking with some of the Pizzaplex employees, discussing the assistance she would provide to Mini-Sun the week after.

However... what they didn't realize was that tonight was Mini-Sun's final night of just being one animatronic.

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