Chapter 11 - 'Marie D'Amboise'

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"Mini-Sun... let me tell you a story... a very sad and I suppose uplifting story," said Glamrock Freddy as he was hinting Mini-Sun to have a seat.

Mini-Sun sat down, curious as to what Freddy had to say.

Freddy then sighed as he said to Mini-Sun, "Mini-Sun... this is the story... of Marie D'Amboise."

* * *

"Marie D'Amboise was a foreign exchange employee from France," said Freddy, "and she was very kind and although she couldn't speak English, we all understood what she was saying and what she was trying to convey."

Mini-Sun was intruigued. "She sounds interesting... what else was there about her that was significant?" he asked Freddy.

Freddy answered with, "Well... She was what they called a 'Sunny Lover', which meant that she liked the previous Daycare Attendant, your father, and there was a rumor going around for some time that they might've had an affair."

Mini-Sun was silent.

Freddy continued with, "But she was a kind soul too, and you could even say that she was an angel in a human's clothing."

Mini-Sun then asked, "So what was it about Marie that makes her stand out?"

Freddy looked at the photo of Marie, then back at Mini-Sun. "Well... when it came time for them to deport her back to France, Marie had one final request, and that was for the Daycare Attendant to have a son in her honor. She requested him to have mostly the Daycare Attendant's features, but also her eyes and her native-level knowledge of the French language," said Freddy.

Mini-Sun then remembered something.

Around the time when he was first introduced to the kids, one of the kids asked him to sing a song, and he ended up singing the French folk tune Alouette, in its original French, and without butchering the pronunciation.

That was the day that Sundrop, the kids, and everyone else in the Pizzaplex realized that French and English were both Mini-Sun's default languages whereas Sundrop's only default language was English.

Putting two and two together, Mini-Sun then asked, "So... Marie was the one who suggested my existence... so that makes her...?"

Freddy continued Mini-Sun's sentence with, "Yes, technically this'd make her your mother!"

Mini-Sun was astonished. His green eyes, the fact that he has two default languages instead of one, and even his (as compared to Sundrop) more expressive actions and words... this explained a lot!

Mini-Sun then cleared his throat, which mostly meant he was switching his default language.

"Ceci explique beaucoup de choses!" he exclaimed in French, before switching back to English.

Freddy then looked at the clock. "Well, it's getting rather late, Superstar. Get some charging put in, and have a Faz-errific night!" he said cheerfully.

"....Goodnight," Mini-Sun said while waving bye to Freddy.

* * *

As Mini-Sun was plugging himself in for charging, he thought about who Marie was and what role she would've played in his life.

A lot of questions filled his mind, such as "Would she have cared for me as much as dad did?" and "Would she still have loved me even for my flaws?".

But none of these questions had a proper answer to them because Mini-Sun never had a chance to meet Marie.

However... what he didn't realize was that one night... something would happen to him that would make him realize that he's what the daycare needed after Sundrop's fall from life and grace, just like Freddy said.

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