17: (A)typical Newlyweds (Henry)

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A/N: So sorry for missing last week, but this one is extra long so hopefully that makes up for you! Because it is so long, it took longer to edit. Thank you for understanding. 

Alex was quiet with his head back and his eyes closed for the whole car ride to the airport, looking as if he was trying not to be sick. Alex hadn't seemed fully present at the wedding. Although in many ways it was beautiful, it felt like, as Henry had feared, a public event like a red carpet except that the two of them were the only ones on it and being gawked at.

Alex hadn't seemed to mind other than not feeling well, which he said was due to the cake. Henry wondered if this was really the whole story. It's true that Alex did seem more present earlier in the day, and less and less so as the night went on. He had mentioned it to Pez, as he had noticed Pez followed Alex outside at one point. Pez had just said Alex hadn't been feeling well, but refused to elaborate.

As they got off the plane and exited the gate, Henry headed straight for the nearest restroom. Flying didn't make him nervous, the fear that someone in the airport might recognize him did. They went incognito, and bought all the seats in first class for themselves and undercover bodyguards. They didn't want anyone to know where they were going, but private planes were harder to come by than they used to be. Alex was no longer a first son, as his mother's second term ended a few years ago, and Henry was no longer a prince, and therefore even with his mother's permission, he wasn't allowed to use the royal jet since it was publicly funded.

Thankfully, Alex doesn't follow him into the bathroom, so Henry stands by the sink as he takes the bottle of pills out from the zipper pocket in his bag and the bottle of water he had bought at the last airport. He quickly takes the small yellow pill, and looks in the mirror. His eyes look bloodshot, his skin looks frail. He watches his own chest rise and fall with a big breath. It's not like Alex doesn't know about the pills, but Henry can't help but feel like it's a bright yellow flag saying "I'm not doing good! Remember how fucked up I am?"

He needs Alex, but Alex doesn't feel like a safe place anymore. When he is with him, all he can think about is the panic attack before the wedding. He still hasn't told Alex anything that occurred the morning of the wedding. Bea said he should on the honeymoon, tell him how he felt. They need to start their marriage on the right foot, he needs to be honest with Alex, but they also have barely a week on this honeymoon before Alex needs to get back to the campaign and Henry just wants to enjoy it. Telling Alex would make him all worried and make him feel guilty and Henry doesn't want him to feel that way, even though a part of him does blame Alex for not knowing, not realizing how much he was suffering. God, he loves Alex, but sometimes his head was so thick and so full of passion and politics that he couldn't see what was right in front of him. 

Henry had barely said a word to Alex that whole plane ride, partly because he was afraid of someone recognizing them, as unlikely as that could've been from the economy section separated by a curtain. But he was also finding it hard to express himself to Alex, and Alex didn't seem to notice, sleeping through half the flight. But he's waiting there for Henry with a large smile on his face as Henry exits the bathroom. 

Alex reaches out a hand and Henry grabs it; Alex pulls him close and wraps an arm around his waist. Henry's afraid to let himself just release himself into Alex in the airport. It's hard enough to feel like people actually couldn't recognize him with just a baseball cap and sweats, but it seems they are even more recognizable together.

It seems like Alex can read the unease in his body language and starts to move towards the baggage claim. The bodyguards try to casually surround them so they are less visible in the crowd. A large black SUV is waiting for them in the pick up line and soon they are both in it, with one bodyguard in the front and the rest in another car behind them. Henry is in first and Alex gets in after and as soon as the door closes, Alex pulls Henry's head to his chest.

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