37 - The Things We Do For Love.

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As I stood in the steamy shower, letting the hot water run over my body, I couldn't help but feel completely drained

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As I stood in the steamy shower, letting the hot water run over my body, I couldn't help but feel completely drained. It was like the exhaustion I felt was deep within me, embedded in my very bones. After a long time under the water, I reluctantly stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel. Wrapping it around my waist, I stumbled into my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed, letting out a deep sigh.

Even with the towel on, I still felt naked, exposed and vulnerable. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that it would calm my nerves, but the weariness I felt within me was too much to shake off. I couldn't shake off the weight that I was carrying with me everywhere I went. My eyes closed for what I intended to be just a moment of relaxation, but before I knew it, I had dozed off.

I couldn't say how long I'd been sleeping when I felt a gentle touch on my face. My eyes fluttered open, and I found Yasenia sitting beside me on the bed, her dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, her big, brown eyes filled with nothing but love and concern. She had the most perfect smile that could brighten even my darkest days.

And that look, oh, that look...it was the kind of look that made me feel both incredibly grateful and immensely guilty. I couldn't help but wonder how I deserved someone like her. Yasenia was everything I was not. She was kind, compassionate, smart, and beautiful. Her heart was pure gold, her humor sharp and her optimism infectious. It was as though her mere presence could elevate the spirits of those around her. Meanwhile, I was nothing but a bundle of nerves and doubts. I felt like a volcano waiting to erupt, a brewing storm with no indication of when or how it would ever settle.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up," Yasenia whispered as she stood by the bed.

"Come here," I stretched out my arm, beckoning her to me.

Without hesitation, she nestled into my embrace, resting her head on my chest and clutching my arm tightly. "It feels safe here," she sighed.

Though I was the one holding her, it was she who made me feel secure. I never knew such a feeling could exist, but as she met my gaze, her eyes locked onto mine with such intensity that it left me breathless. I could feel her heart beating rapidly against me, igniting a fire deep within me. I wanted her fiercely, and in that moment, nothing else mattered.

Pressing my lips against hers, I savored the taste and the feel of her in my arms. I knew I needed her in my life, even if it wasn't what I was supposed to have.

As much as I wanted to keep her forever, the reality of the situation dawned on me. We weren't meant to be together, and I knew I couldn't keep her for myself.

 We weren't meant to be together, and I knew I couldn't keep her for myself

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