1 - ~|Where it began|~

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(I guess-)
Anyway hi there this is my first story i'd say is better than the other ones i have
And requests are open :D
also this is a little cringe i had my little sister help me for one part


Genya POV:

It's been a while since I've made a friend... I'm feeling a bit lonely...


"Ugh, there's nothing to do..." I said, irritated. 'I guess I'm gonna ask Himejima-san what to do...' I said in thought while walking to that one mountain he's always at. "Himejima-san!" I shouted when I spotted Himejima. He turned his head to me. "Ah, hello Genya, is there something you need?" He asked. "Hi, Himejima-san. I was wondering if you know what I could do in my free time?" I asked Himejima. "Have you seen anyone to talk to?" He asked again. I shook my head, forgetting he couldn't see but I realized quickly and said, "Oh uh... no..." I answered. Himejima walked towards me. "Why don't you go to the Rengoku estate?" Himejima suggested. I thought about it for a while, "Ok, thanks Himejima-san!" I said and left. As I was walking to the Rengoku estate, I spotted Muichiro cloudgazing, 'Woah... he looks pretty like that- wait what!?' I was lost in thought thinking about why I called Muichiro pretty and didn't notice Muichiro right in front of me.

Muichiro POV:

I was cloudgazing since, I really had nothing to do... I sensed there was someone watching me, I turned around and saw...Gayna? No no it's... Genya, yeah Genya. I saw Genya staring at me. 'Maybe I can talk to him' I thought to myself and went towards Genya. I was now in front of him. 'He seems to be lost in his thoughts...' I said in thought and tugged on his uniform making him snap back to reality. When I looked up at him he looked like a blushing mess. "Uh... are you alright?" I asked him. "Yes yeah I'm perfectly fine..!" He answered. "Oh, ok. Were you going anywhere?" I asked again, tilting my head curiously. "Uh-uh I-I was going to the Rengoku estate, yeah!" He said, stuttering. "Oh..." I said dissapointedly. Genya took notice of that. "Do you uh... want me to stay with you?" He asked me... but then, I felt something... it felt wierd... it felt like my cheeks heated up... this... weird feeling... "Uhm... n-no thanks... you can go..." I said and left the scene... 'I think I'll go to Shinabu? Or Shortnobu? Eh...I'll just go to her...' I said in thought and walked to the Butterfly Mansion.

(I accidentally made Mui into Inosuke...)

Genya POV:

'WHY THE HECK DID I GET FLUSTERED AROUND HIM!?' I kept on asking myself while continuing to walk to (the) Rengoku estate. Eventually, I made it there and knocked on the gate (the tall wooden fence idk how to explain-) and it was opened by a kid... he looks a lot like Rengoku-san, but shorter hair and younger. "Uhm... hi?" He said, a bit confused. "Oh- hi. I was wondering if... Kyojuro Rengoku is here?" I asked. He nodded and gestured me to come in. He told me his name was Senjuro, and told me about the daily routines around here. Then he took me to the back yard where both of us saw Rengoku training, he looked really focused so we watched him train, and when he was done he FINALLY took notice of us, he waved and went up to us. "Hello, Genya and Senjuro!" He said in his usual loud voice. "How long have you two been here?" He asked. "Well... in the middle of your training." I answered. Rengoku nodded and gestured both of us to get inside.Hello Idk what to put on what Genya did with Kyojuro and his brother... let's just say they talked and told jokes. And about shinjuro, he was in a deep sleep


Hello im done sorry in advance if its short as shitnobu :)

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