8 - ~|Sending the letter|~

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So this is just a ginko sending the letter to genya so you can just skip if u want :)

there's a 75% chance the class vice pres has a crush on me 😨 im 0% ready for a confession from her-


Ginko POV:

I fly away and search for that Genya guy. 'Hmm... wait why would Tokito-sama even give a letter to someone??' I thought as I flew over the trees. 'Wait... does Tokito-sama like this Genya guy?? wtf??' 

I was flying over a village and saw a tall guy with a mohawk. 'Yep that's Genya...' I thought while flying down and landing onto his shoulder.

Genya POV:

I was roaming a village aimlessly when someone's crow landed on my shoulder. I looked at them, they had a letter in their beak. "What!?" I asked, irritated. They dropped the letter.

"A LETTER FROM TOKITO-SAMA YOU WEIRDO WITH A WIG!!" The crow said and flew away. "I'M NOT WEARING A FUCKING WIG LONG EYELASH BETCH!!" I shouted at it. I sighed and opened the letter. 'To: Genya

Hi Genya, sorry that we weren't meeting up anymore, I don't hate you. In fact, let's hang out at the Sakura blossom tree at the park! Hope you come over...

Sincerely, Muichiro'

I sighed in relief. 'I'm glad...'


Another chapter done and i need some suggestions for their firs-

Genya: kindly stfu no leaks.


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