Chapter 1

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''Liam stop whining!!'' Mason said. ''Mason, I told you I don't want to do it. Leave me alone!!'' Liam whines and throws his head into a pillow.

Mason was trying to get Liam to download Tinder so he could meet someone new. Liam was in desperate need of a new relationship after Hayden had messed him up, according to him.

''what's going on in here? I can hear you guys all the way in the kitchen.'' Corey asks eyeing them both while entering Liam's room with snacks.

''im trying to get him to download Tinder so he can stop WHINING about Hayden and go have fun.'' Mason replies and reaches out to grab Liam's pillow hitting him in the head with it.

''I don't want to! Also, it has only been 2 months since Hayden left me so-'' Mason cuts him off before he could go any further ''2 months?! Bro, that's like mega long. You need to put yourself out there and stop being insecure because of Hayden.'' Mason tells him while stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

''Liam, I agree. Maybe you should just try it out and see how it goes? You can't be in your bed all day watching Netflix and scrolling through Tiktok.'' Corey tells him softly. Liam looks over at him giving him innocent puppy dog eyes and says ''but that's a perfectly fine thing to do, what's wrong with watching Netflix and being single and lonely in my bed.'' Liam answers him pouting.

''Liam come on, you barely go outside. And when you do it's because you have to throw out the trash or go to the store to buy more snacks.'' Mason tells him giving him a sympathetic look. He puts his hand in front of him opening and closing his hands. '' gimme your phone ill do it for you.'' Mason tells him. ''you guys are horrible, I need new friends'' Liam says giving him his phone.

''but you love us, and we love you so let us help you.'' Corey tells him. ''plus, we are the only ones who could actually help you with this, I mean me and Mason know everything about these things and we are goals, literally.'' He says proudly. ''yeah yeah, I get it you don't have to rub it in my face since you know I will never have a relationship like that!'' Liam whines again and throws himself back down onto his bed.

''Here, I made your profile. What do you want as your profile picture?'' Mason asks him. Liam grabs his phone from his hands and says ''i know exactly what to put, wait here.'' He stands up and goes over to his living room. He sneaks up to his dog Brownie and takes a picture with her.

''Perfect!'' Liam squeals a little too loud because his dog twitches awake. Brownie looks up at him with tired eyes and growls. Liam chuckles at the sound because her growl is very high-pitched and sounds like a child. It was adorable.

He picks her up and carries her to his room so she could be his moral support. Brownie was his best friend, the only friend that understood him and never judged him. Aside from Mason, of course. But Brownie was better.

''I did it, look!'' Liam says excitedly while handing Mason and Corey his phone so they could see the picture. ''shouldn't you have put more of a sexy photo than one with a dog?..'' Mason says while looking back and forth from the phone to Liam. Liam looks at him in shock and puts his hand over his chest. '' well excuse me but I would rather have my best friend in the photo than me in boxers! Plus if I find someone, which I won't'' Liam exclaims with a little pause. '' They better look at me for who I am, not for someone that has a sexy photo on Tinder.'' He finishes.

Mason nods and looks over to Corey. ''What do you think?'' Mason asks showing him the profile. ''I think it's really cute, it represents Liam's personality perfectly'' He answers while smiling at the phone.

Liam sits next to them placing Brownie on his lap while patting her head. ''It's still not too late to back out of this idea, just saying'' Liam suggests. ''No Liam, we are not backing out this is what's best for you, trust me.'' Mason tells him handing him his phone back.

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