Chapter 8

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for shay <3

''Hello?!'' Someone yelled behind Liam's front door. He fell asleep in the middle of the day because he was exhausted from school and just couldn't help but take a little nap. It happens to the best of us, "Liam, open the door!"

He recognized Mason's voice, he sat up and opened the door. Before he could even speak Mason was making himself at home, rambling and complaining. ''Dude, we were supposed to go for pizza like- 2 hours ago! And you fell asleep?'' He scoffed, dropping himself on his best friend's couch.

Liam rubbed his eyes, still waking up. Considering Mason had woken him up and started yelling at him, he needed a minute. ''Sorry Mase, I completely forgot.'' He explained with a yawn. 

Mason sighed, his hand running over his short hair ''Okay well, we have 3 hours until we gotta leave for Isaac's, so let's eat something because I am starving'' Mason said in a dramatic tone making Liam laugh.

"Yeah, definitely." Liam agreed.

- - -

''Thank you,'' Liam said with a smile, taking pizza from the delivery guy. He closed the door with one hand while holding the pizza in the other. Then he made his way back to the couch where Mason was sitting.

"So, you still haven't told me about that story from last night?" Mason said, opening the pizza box and taking a slice. His stomach growling as he took a bite, the flavors melting on his tongue.

Liam laughed before taking a slice for himself, ''It's nothing, really.'' He insisted, but he knew what Mason was like. Little Mr needs to know everything, he wasn't going to stop until he knew every detail.

Mason scoffed in disbelief, turning to look at him ''Nothing? Really Li? Dude, he took a picture of you sleeping. Plus, he was in your apartment?'' Mason removed the mushroom, giving it a side eye before placing it on the box.

Liam shrugged, ''Didn't he literally ask you where I lived and what food I like to eat?'' Liam brushed it off, it didn't mean anything, Theo was just curious and nosey. Nothing more than that.

Mason goes silent for a moment, scratching his neck. "Okay, fine. But still, what happened?'' He asked excitedly. 

''Not much, we just ate McDonald's and watched Harry Potter,'' Liam said but avoided eye contact, his heart skipping as he remembered their night spent together. Mason gave him a knowing look.

''Come on, that's it?'' He scoffed, crossing his arms when he realized he wasn't going to get anything else from his friend. ''Boring,'' he snickered making Liam chuckle. 

''Well, I mean. I did kinda invite him to the party?...'' He said with an awkward smile watching as Mason slowly turned his head to look at Liam, his mouth dropping open.

''And you're telling me now?!'' He screamed at him, making Liam cover his ears.

''Okay, Jesus Mase-'' 

 ''Yeah okay, you're unbelievable.'' Mason scoffed. Honestly, Liam was nervous because he did like Theo, not in that way though. But still, what if Liam gets drunk and embarrasses himself? That wasn't something he was looking forward to.

*Time skip to half an hour before the party*

"Corey just texted me," Mason said although his eyes never left his phone. "He and Nolan will get us in 20." Liam nodded while going through his closet.

"Will Theo come? Is he going to pick you up or are you coming with us?" Mason asked, although there was a slight teasing in his tone.

Liam looked down, "he said he'd come to the apartment right away, I gave him the address." Although Liam wished Theo was picking him up, but there was always next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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