Chapter 2

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''Guys I don't know what to say!'' Liam complains whining. He looks over at Mason with an urgent expression, Mason rolls his eyes ''Bro, it's not that hard just say hey or something?!'' He suggests.

''Maybe ask him how he is?'' Corey chimes in. Liam looks at them in disbelief ''That's so dry and lame! I'm not saying that.'' He tells them. Mason sighs and takes his phone ''How about I just say 'Hey, I'm Liam. How are you doing?' ''

''No way, too we-'' Liam starts saying but a notification from his phone cuts him off making him go silent and look at Mason with a questioning expression. ''It's Theo!'' Mason squeaks wide eyed.

Liam snatches his phone from Mason and looks down, reading 'Cute doggo' from Theo. He stares at his phone, questioning what to text back. As a million replies are running through his head Corey cuts his thoughts ''What did he say?'' He asks excitedly. ''He said cute doggo..'' Liam answers. ''What am I supposed to say back?!'' He looks at them wide eyed.

''Here, let me.'' Mason replies. Liam hands him the phone scooting closer so he can see what he types. As Mason is typing Liam grabs Brownie and places her on his lap ''Your gonna have a new friend soon'' He tells her in a baby voice rubbing her back. ''Hopefully..'' Liam adds whispering, more saying his thoughts out loud.

''Okay and... Sent!'' Mason tells them. ''What did you say?'' Liam asks leaning in to see what was on the screen.

- - -

Theo: Cute doggo.

Liam: Her name is Brownie, she's the cutest. Cute doggo to you too.

- - -

''Mason!! Cute doggo to you too- What were you thinking??!'' Liam yells at him taking his phone back. ''What?? It's a perfectly fine reply, I tried to go more your style.'' Mason replies to him smirking proudly. Corey chuckles at them, they were such children.

''I would never say that?!'' Liam replies in disbelief. He can't believe his own best friend would say such a thing, can he even call him his best friend anymore? ''You are so lame mase'' Liam scoffs smiling. ''But you love me'' Mason answers him, nudging his shoulder. '' Mhmm yeah'' Liam says side eyeing him. ''Ask him where he's from?'' Corey suggests, Liam looks from him to his phone and starts to type, but as he's typing another message from Theo comes in.

- - -

Liam: Her name is Brownie, she's the cutest. Cute doggo to you too.

Theo: Haha, thanks. His name is Leo.

Theo: Where are you from?

Liam: I'm from Beacon Hills, what about you?

Theo: Really? I'm from Beverly Hills but I'm moving to Beacon Hills in a week. I'll transfer to Beacon Hills High for my last year, do you know where that is?

- - -

Liam reads Theo's last message out loud to Mason and Corey. He looks over at them and sees them staring at him with wide smiles. ''Liam that amazing oh my god! He's literally joining our school how could it get better than that'' Mason says. Liam smiles to himself but it slowly fades as he tells himself that it's for his dog, not for him. Theo wasn't even hot.

''Guys, it's not a big deal anyway, I'm doing this mostly for Brownie I mean she's been stuck with me for months and she needs a friend.'' Liam tells them, Mason and Corey both look at him in disbelief, Mason shakes his head ''Ur the one that needs a friend Liam.'' He tells him. ''Oh please, this dude looks like a jerk anyway. I bet he's annoying.'' Liam replies looking at him. Mason furrows his brows. ''Liam, I love you but you are so stupid sometimes I swear.'' He tells him. ''You got a jackpot bro! He's hot, has a dog, and will go to our school'' He adds.

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