Chapter 4

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Liam came home after a few minutes of walking. He unleashed brownie and went upstairs to take a shower, grabbing his phone to check his notifications and seeing a text message from Mason.

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Mase: Coming to pick you up in 30, do NOT be late!!

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Liam rolls his eyes at the text. Mason always reminds him not to be late for no reason at all? He is never late. He just walks slower to the car and can't put on his shoes in superspeed...

- - -

Liam: sorry just saw the text, got home from the park

Liam: and I wont be late 🙄

Mason: why were you in the park at 6am? weirdo

Liam: i was with Theo and took Brownie out for a walk, no biggie



Liam: jesus relax whats wrong with you omg

Mason: you better be ready ASAP!! your spilling EVERY.DETAIL.

Liam: okay, weirdo

- - - 

Liam scoffs, his best friends were so ridiculous. Sometimes he thinks they're more excited than him for this Theo dude

'Pervs' he mumbles.

He puts his phone down and grabs his clothes ready for a shower, he enters the bathroom and stops to look at himself in the mirror. He takes his shirt off and observes his body.

Liam runs his fingers across a scar that was placed on his left rib. He hisses at the memory. When he was younger, his dad wasn't exactly the best you could ask for. Actually, he was the worst. He didn't have a job and would be out all day and night at clubs or some sketchy places, god knows. Then he'd come home drunk, frustrated, and angry then took it all out on his wife and kid.

When Liam would beg his mom to leave him or report him to the police, she would decline and say it's better that they don't. She was scared of what he would do.

He sighs and drops his hand getting in the shower and trying to erase the bad memories. His dad was the reason for his IED and he hated him for that, he was scared he'd turn out like him.

- - -

Liam was sitting on the sofa waiting for Mason and Corey to arrive while scrolling through his phone. He gets up when he hears the sound of tires in front of his house, knowing it's his friends.

He rubs Brownie goodbye and grabs Theo's hoodie rapping it around in his hands. When he opens the door he jogs to the car so Mason can brag about him being 'late'.

As soon as he got in the car Mason was screaming in his ear ''WHY.DIDN'T.YOU.SAY.ANY.THING'' He said between hitting him with his phone. Liam puts his hands up in surrender 

''Babe, calm down you don't have to kill him before he can tell us'' Corey tells his boyfriend while giggling, grabbing his arm to calm him down. Mason glares at him in response, his eyes slightly softening at the sight of his pouty and smiley boyfriend. 

He snaps his head back at Liam and puts his finger in front of his face making him flinch back. ''Spill, NOW'' he tells him. Liam rolls his eyes and sinks back down into his seat.

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