Chapter 3

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They continue sitting in silence, looking at each other all wide-eyed not knowing what to say.

All of a sudden, Liam's phone makes a notification sound breaking the silence between them.

Liam looks down at his phone, unlocks it, and clicks on the notification.

- - -

Theo: Stalking me now?

- - -

"Oh god... This is bad, really bad" Liam tells them, his eyes widening more. Mason closes his mouth after what feels like hours, his jaw feels numb from it being left open after the incident. "What happened now??" He asks him confused.

"Theo texted me 'stalking me now?' " Liam replies, lifting his head up to look at Mason and Corey. He sees Mason making an expression his eyes practically falling out of his sockets, while Corey bursts out laughing, clutching his stomach for support.

What good friends I have, huh? Liam thinks, what is he supposed to do now? Say 'oh hey Theo, I was just stalking you on Instagram and I accidentally liked your photo from 2016, sorry about that!'

"Guys quit laughing! What am I supposed to tell him?!" Liam asks them urgently, hitting Corey's shoulder so he can stop laughing like Liam did the most hilarious thing in history.

"Okay okay" Corey says out of breath. "Tell him the truth, obviously" He tells him shrugging. Liam looks at him and furrows his brows "Are you actually dumb or did you just lose brain cells from all the laughter?" He asks him, looking at him like he's crazy.

Mason chuckles. "Just ignore the question? Like it never happened" He suggests. "No, that would make it even worse" Liam replies. He unlocks his phone and clicks on Tinder, his finger hovering over the keyboard.

- - -

Theo: Stalking me now?

Liam: sorry your profile popped up and when i clicked it my dog jumped on me and i didnt see the screen so i accidentally liked one of your photos i guess🤷‍♀️

Theo: mhm, whatever you say

- - -

Liam makes a proud face while showing Corey and Mason what he wrote. Mason and Corey share glances and look back at Liam. "Liam that's the the dumbest thing you could have wrote" Mason tells him, not impressed. Liam's face drops, looking offended "Well, at least it's better than what you two suggested" He replies.

"School is in a week guys, let's go have some while we can!" Corey breaks the silence grabbing Mason and Liam by the hands, dragging them out of the door.

*Time skip to the morning of the first day of school*

Theo and Liam have been texting for the past week, you could say they got pretty close.

Theo gave Liam his number and followed him on Instagram after the little "incident" Liam's "dog" did.

He gave Theo some heads up about school and the teachers, they made a deal to help each other whenever they needed it.

Now, it's the beginning of the first day in hell.

Liam wakes up to the feeling of someone biting his leg. As he gains more consciousness, he realizes what is happening and starts kicking his legs around, screeching. "Get off me, oh my god!" He whines. When that doesn't work, he gets up and grabs the annoying creature eating his leg off.

"Brownie, can you not let me sleep peacefully for one night? Brownie just sticks her tongue out and gives Liam her innocent puppy eyes. "Oh please, you not tricking me with those acts" He tells her putting her down on the floor.

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