Chapter 5

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''We matched on Tinder.'' Theo replies and for a moment, silence falls at the table. Lydia is the first to speak up ''Well... I didn't expect that'' She says.

Liam looks around the table, everyone's faces were kind of shocked. Isaac clears his throat ''How did that even happen?'' he asks. Mason speaks up ''Well me and Corey made him download it since he was all depressive about Hayden then one thing led to another and, yeah'' he replies.

''Can we change the subject, please?'' Liam asks from almost under the table. ''Okay well since you guys know, it's the start of the year. So Stiles and I were thinking of throwing a party next Saturday. Only us friends, nothing big'' Isaac suggests. Everyone agrees because who wouldn't like a little partying?

- - -

Liam was sitting on his couch watching a history show, as always. Brownie was next to him barking right in his ear. ''Bre, stop torturing my ear drums'' Liam dramatically cries out. Instead of stopping, Brownie gets on top of him and starts attacking his face with kisses. ''Okay okay, enough!'' Liam says trying to get her off of him. ''If I take u out on a walk, will u calm down?'' He asks. Brownie's eyes light up, instantly jumping around at the word 'walk'. Liam playfully rolls his eyes ''Okay come on let's go'' He says standing up to get her leash.

They walk around the block a little bit, and then Liam decides that he's severely dehydrated and didn't get his Starbucks in a while, so they go to get one.

As they're walking in someone calls out his name ''Liam?'' Someone asks, he turns around to see Theo standing next to his blue truck. He smiles seeing him ''Hey, Theo'' He says, Theo walks up to him.

''What brings this cutie here'' Theo says crouching down to pet brownie. ''Well, she was literally KILLING me for some reason, so I took her out on a walk to calm her down'' He says putting an arm on his hip. Theo chuckles ''Good thing I ran into you, let me get u a drink yeah?'' Theo asks. ''Oh no u don't have to-'' ''Please, my treat'' Theo cuts him off, giving him a charming smile. ''Okay fine.'' Liam rolls his eyes smiling.

They head in and take a seat at one of the booths. ''What do u want?'' Theo asks him, ''Oh, get me an iced white chocolate mocha'' Liam replies. Theo scoffs ''White chocolate? Weirdo'' he comments walking off to get the order. ''Hey, rude!'' Liam yells behind him.

A few minutes pass and Theo's back at the booth with drinks. ''Here you go'' He says handing Liam his drink. Liam mummers a thanks while taking it. ''Oh and they also had these little cups of whipped cream so I got one for Brownie'' He adds. ''Oh cool, thanks'' Liam says grabbing it, he puts it on the floor next to Brownie so she can eat it.

After a few moments of awkward silence and Liam aggressively sipping his drink, Theo speaks up ''So.. how are you?'' He asks. Liam looks up from his drink to Theo ''I'm good, you?'' He answers. ''I'm alright.'' He replies.

They talk about nonsense for about an hour, honestly, maybe this Theo guy wasn't as bad as Liam thought. He had learned in 30 minutes that he likes Biology, like unhealthily worryingly much. Who even likes Biology? Weirdo. Also, he knows that his favorite color is forest green just like his eyes, not that he observed. Honestly, he wasn't all that bad but still, very very cocky.

''Okay, okay'' Theo says between laughs ''So this Hayden girl, u punched her in the nose and that somehow led u guys to fall in love?'' He asks lifting a brown, smirk on his face. Liam scoffs ''Well when u put it like that it sounds bad but yeah, but also uhh she.. cheated on me so..'' He answers smile slowly falling, Theo's smile falling too ''Oh, man sorry I didn't know-'' He starts ''It's fine, I'm over her anyway'' Liam cuts him off giving a small smile. Theo smiles back.

''Oh shit, I didn't even realize it's this late'' Liam says looking at his phone. He stands up grabbing Brownie's leash in his hands. ''I gotta get going, I have early morning practice tomorrow and I didn't even do my homework'' Liam explains. Theo observes him for a few seconds until smiling ''It's alright, I'll see u at school then?'' He asks. Liam smiles '' Of course'' he answers. He looks at Theo for a few moments until he finally turns to leave, waving a little goodbye with Brownie barking one back at him too.

- - -

Liam originally had to wake up at 5 am, but he woke up at 6:30. ''Oh shit.'' Liam says, eyes widening when he realizes ''Shit, shit, shit, shit..'' He mummers while jumping off his bed to his dresser. He gets ready and grabs his phone.

''Hey Liam-'' Mason starts ''SHIT MASE, I'm gonna be late u gotta pick me up I have class in like 15 minutes and I got up late PLUS I missed morning practice-'' Liam cuts him off ''Okay, damn chill blue boy ill pick u up in 5'' Mason says. Liam breaths out in relief ''Oh thank you, I LOVE YOU'' He says, hearing Mason chuckle on the other line.

Well, this day was certainly going well. First coach is gonna totally yell at him so he has to hide from him the whole day at school, second, he didn't even have breakfast and Liam cannot survive a day without eating in the morning. He just hopes school will be decently good.

Surprise, it wasn't.

The first thing he sees when he walks in is Hayden leaning against a locker of the one and only, Theo Raeken. Her hair was down so you could barely see her eyes from it, but sadly Liam did. And they were proper love-heated eyes, to Theo Raeken. Who wasn't any better, leaning down to her, smiling even, making her giggle. Liam wanted to actually kill someone right there on the spot. He was about to throw up.

Just as he was about to walk up to them, probably puch the both of them, the bell rang. He can't deal with this anymore, how can this day be ANY worse? He thought.

- - -

At lunch, when he's walking out of class someone calls his name ''Hey Liam wait up!'' It was Theo. There was no way in hell he was gonna 'wait up'. Liam starts walking faster. ''Liam?-'' Theo starts ''Leave him, Theo. Wanna go sit with me at lunch? Liam hears Hayden say. His insides are fuming at this point. He just wants to punch her so badly, he wants to-

''Liam.'' He feels an arm on his shoulder. The arm turns him around, making him go face-to-face with Theo. He looks at him with raging eyes ''What's wrong? Are you okay-'' Theo starts. Liam pushes his arm away ''Theo, leave me the fuck alone right now, I don't wanna talk to you.'' Liam answers firmly.

Theo furrows his brows ''Wait, what did I do? Did I say something wrong yesterday or-'' ''No Theo, you did nothing wrong. U only flirted with my ex after I told u all about her in front of me and basically rubbed it in my face, everything is fucking awesome'' He spits turning around to leave, but his hand stops him again ''What are you talking about?'' Theo asks confused. ''Wait, that brown-haired girl is ur ex-'' He breathes out ''Liam I didn't know I swear, okay? Look I'm sorry-'' Theo pleads. Liam glares at him ''Leave me alone, Theo.'' He cuts him off, fuming out of his view.

* * *


guys I'm so so sorry I've left u on that chapter for so long, i had a lot of stuff to deal with and i couldn't update but i figured something out and here we are.

A/N: also sorry for the short chapter but its better than nothing?

Word count: 1438

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