Chapter 7

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Yesterday, Theo and Liam went back to Deaton to check up on Brownie, and, surprise surprise! She's pregnant. Now, I'm sure you can imagine Liam's reaction.

- - -

Liam drops his mouth open.

''Wait, you've gonna be kidding me-'' He starts. ''Nope, no I'm not doing this,'' Liam groans.

''Are you kidding meeeeee!!'' He whines hitting his head on the metal table. Theo and Deaton look at each other, unimpressed.

Liam lifts his head and looks at Deaton ''What am I supposed to do now?'' He asks, pouting, as usual. Deaton laughs and shakes his head ''Well nothing much, you should just let her be and Brownie will be good on her own.'' He explains putting Brownie back down on the floor

''Sooo, should we bring her back here when she gives birth or?...'' Theo asks dumbly ''She will probably do it alone, they know what to do, it will all be fine trust me'' Deaton smiles. Liam stands up and grabs Brownie's leash. ''Okay let's go, thanks Deaton'' He says with a forced smile.

Honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal, but still. Liam has his ways of... expressing his feelings u could say.

I mean, it was already enough that he 'hated ' Theo, and now his dog got his poor Brownie pregnant? Intense.

He is gonna realize it's not that big of a deal soon tho, I mean he will have adorable puppies. who wouldn't want that?

At least I hope he will.

- - -

Liam walks through the halls of the school looking around for Mason and Corey. They always sneak around the school so they can make out or something, they make it a challenge for Liam to even find them during breaks.

''Okay, gross'' Liam says in a disgusted tone walking up to Mason and Corey making out behind a wall.

Mason pulls away and looks at his best friend ''What, we are happily in love, leave us alone.'' He smiles, going back to kiss Corey. Liam rolls his eyes ''Yeah, whatever'' He puts his books in his locker.

''Hey, by the way, did u guys get the text from the group chat?'' Corey asks after breaking away from the kiss. Liam frowns ''No, what group?''He asks unlocking his phone. 

''Stiles made a group chat with all of us for 'emergencies' '' Corey explains smiling. Liam scoffs ''Yeah, more like parties and stupid bickering'' He says scrolling through the text messages. 

He puts his phone back in his pocket ''Whatever, I gotta get to class, seeya'' Liam smiles walking away. Mason and corey wave back at him.

- - - 

It was almost the end of classes and Liam was still, of course, ignoring Theo. He didn't even look at him! Well, maybe, but still. Theo has had enough.

''Liam!'' Someone calls behind him, he turns around rolling his eyes at the sight of the person. 

''Go away'' He says, walking faster towards the exit.

He hears Theo groaning ''Liam seriously wait up'' He begs. Honestly, it was ridiculous, this man wasn't getting the fact that Liam didn't want to talk to him, at all. 

Liam is about to turn the corner when someone steps in front of him. 

Theo looks down at him, sweaty, and out of breath. ''Would u- stop- for- a second?'' He says between breaths, a little smirk forming on Liam's face wiping it away as soon as he realizes. 

''What do u want.'' Liam puts on a serious face. More correctly, trying, to put on one.

''Look, I just wanna get a chance to explain myself. For you know, Hayden..'' Theo explains with a hopeful expression. Liam rolls his eyes ''You have 5 minutes, I don't have time for this'' He says, leaning on the wall with crossed arms. 

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