The Great Faction War (DxD)

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In this High School DxD Fanfic Issei is a boy, who is already in contact with the supernatural world since he was 12 y/o. His first encounter also was his worst encounter, because he saw the bloody corpses of his parents in the living room and over them the Trickster God Loki, who evilly smiled at him and challenged him to soon kill him. After that Loki left the crying and screaming Issei alone, who felt nothing more than despair and rage in this moment. In his Rage he activated his Boosted Gear and only realized a few minutes after the activation, that this gear talked to him. Shocked and curious he tried to speak with it and succeeded. The Dragon told him about the Sacred Gears, the 3 Factions, the Dragons, his potential powers, his own Destiny and also about the northern gods. At the end Issei got a new goal: to kill Loki and every extremely powerful and evil God, Fallen or Devil. With his mind set he began to train with Ddraigs power and reached unfathomable heights in these 5 years. Of course he hides his real powers and personality under his fake personality of a normal boy with a perverted humour and also perverted antics. Although he wasn't his best self, he still had male and female friends in Kuoh High School, who were similar to him in terms of antics. These friends were Motohama, Matsuda, Murayama and Katase (these two are perverted here).

One evening he encounters a beautiful girl with the name Yuuma, who suspiciously smells a little bit weird. She asked him on a date and he accepted the invitation. After the Date she made her move, asked him, if he would die for her and transformed into her real Persona "Raynare". Issei, who already guessed the Betrayal beforehand, didn't even looked shocked and only asked her about her Leader. She then explained to him nearly everything important about Kokabiel and Azazel. While Azazel was the official leader of the Fallen Angels, Kokabiel commanded her personally and intends to restart the great war. After the Explanation Issei fought Raynare, defeated her without even boosting and explained to her who he was and why he despised beings like Kokabiel. After that he left, but was followed by her because she was astonished by his strength even without the utilization of the Gear. On another day he decided to ask her about other Supernaturals in the vicinity and got his answer immediately. So he decided to pay Rias a visit and to join her cause. He ultimately arrived in the ORC in the afternoon the following day, meet Rias with her peerage and joined her by becoming a half devil pawn (Mx8) of her peerage. Together the peerage killed Strays, trained and served customers. They also saved the life of a ex holy maiden with the name of asia and resurrected her as a bishop of Rias with her Sacred Gear twilight Healing. At last they were able to finally meet Gasper, the second bishop of Rias, and train him to controll his Sacred Gear "Forbidden Balor View".

Several weeks after he became the Pawn of her, she told him about Riser and her forced engagement and also asks him to take her virginity; so that the maariage is cancelled. Ultimately he refused to do that and offers her another solution: to fight against it. shortly before this statement Riser appeared with his peerage and demands, that Rias should stop fighting the unstoppable and that it would be wise for her to be his wife, because otherwise he would hurt her peerage. At this Moment Issei intervened and told him about his misconception: a phenex can never beat a heavenly dragon. Enraged he attacks Issei  but only hits air, because Issei was already behind him and punched him hard in the head. Naturally he stands up after that and was about to attack him, but was forced to stay put after the arriving Grayfia commands him to stand down. In the end they decided to hold a rating game in a few weeks to decide, if a Rias marries Riser or not. till this day her peerage trained and became stronger.

Now the day of the rating game between Riser and Rias arrived and they battled against eachother... (the Rating Game is nearly the same as in canon, only that Gasper and Issei are able to eliminate the pawns with the time magic and energy shots + Issei is stronger here to the point that he beats Riser unconscious after Rias defeated Yubelluna) In the end Rias won and celebrated the victory in the ORC with her peerage.

Several months later Freed came back with Valper G. and under the Command of Kokabiel and now holds a Fused holy sword, after he encountered and has beaten Irina and Xenovia without Rias knowledge. The showdown began at Kuoh Academy with Freed, Valper, Kokabiel, Fallen Angel and a few Cerberus. While Valper was killed by an injured Xenovia, Freed was killed by Irina and Kiba with his new holy demonic sword. Meanwhile the Cerberus were defeated by Issei's Dragon Shots and the fallen Angels were beaten by the rest of Rias peerage. Now it was time for the final duel, where Issei has to defeat Kokabiel, which he does before Vali appeared. He already saw, that Kokabiel was defeated and that the Red Dragon Emperor was more powerful than he thought. He finally decided to explain to them his mission and that he is a double agent for the Khaos Brigade, who spies on the fallen Angels. After this he attacked Issei and started the next fight. Surprisingly Issei was stronger than him and defeated him after half an hour. Immediately after the fight Issei asked him about the Members of the Khaos Brigade and so Vali began to count them until he mentioned the name of Isseis archenemy Loki. Albions host already guessed, that it was best to leave before Issei finishes him and so he does exactly that.

Later that week Vali showed his true face to Azazel and the Khaos Brigade attacked Kuoh. This was the start of the next great faction war, which was between the 3 bible factions and the Khaos Brigade...

- Issei is very powerful in this Fic
- Issei last real enemy that he kills here is Loki
- the final enemy is Rizevim L. Lucifer, who is killed by Vali and his best friend
- meanwhile Cao Cao is killed by Sirzechs
- this isn't a harem fic, only Issei x Rias
- The fic ends with the aftermath of the war

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