Chapter 2 - Cute Watermelons and Bad Memories

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Michael found himself in an unfamiliar bedroom. He sat up, looking around. There wasn't really anything of interest—a normal dresser, desk, and bed. Michael thought he was in a hotel guest room at first; there was even a Bible on the nightstand. Fresh air wafted in from the window, mixing with the lemony detergent smell of the bedspread.

He heaved his body up and stumbled over to the nearest of the only two doors and yanked it open, only to reveal a closet, with a jack-and-jill bathroom and another quite full closet beyond it. Michael used the bathroom, using only the light of the other bedroom—Sarah's, based on the smell of the clothes. When he caught movement in her room and went inside, he wasn't surprised to see the explosion of watermelon decor he had dumped Sarah's unconscious body in after that night in the spirit world hospital.

He was a tad surprised to see it wasn't Sarah moving around, but two little boys, Kael and Gaith, still asleep and safe in her bed. The covers draped over them, nestling them in their place. Kael would've probably taken up much of the space, had it not been for Gaith nestling himself under Kael's chin. Kael hugged Gaith in his sleep, looking much like a little boy with a teddy bear.

Michael tip-toed out and down the stairs, stopping suddenly at the base.

Sarah sat on the living room floor at the coffee table, schoolwork all over the table and even the floor near her. Her concentrated facial expression reminded Michael a bit of constipation, and he grinned. Torn-out, crumpled-up pieces of notebook paper surrounded her, and she sighed, leaning back against the couch and chewing the tip of her pen.

Michael glanced around to see that no parents were nearby. He ventured into the living room and nudged her with his foot. "Hey," he said.

Sarah looked up. She smiled, and to Michael's surprise, she got up and yanked him into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're okay! You didn't sleep very long; how're you feeling?" She pulled away, her hands on his shoulders, and she looked up at him, eying him incredulously as if he'd lie about his condition.

Which... he probably would.

By the time he processed she was hugging him, she had already pulled away before he could hug back. "I'm fine. Sarah, what happened?" he asked.

"After you cut school in the middle of biology, I got your backpack for you; it's by the front door with the book Kael was clinging on to. I tried texting you, but your backpack vibrated. So I grabbed my sword and went to find you." Sarah hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, there's... There's two things. The healing woman said Kael already had one, but I made you and Gaith swallow a healing fairy, too. She said it was okay, and you were forgiven."

Michael's eyes widened, but Sarah continued, "I... uhm... couldn't carry everyone back here by myself." She squinted one eye, pursing her lips together as she looked up at him. "So uhm, my parents came to help me. They got the car as close as they could, I met them at the edge of the forest, and we carried ya'll to the car. Then, we drove here. Mom's sleeping in her room, and Dad figured you'd be hungry when you got up so he went to get burgers. But he said to let you know that you three can stay the night, and he'll drive ya'll to wherever you need tomorrow morning."

Michael sat down on the couch.

"They know; I'm sorry. They had so many questions, and I needed to get them to hurry since it was dark and you three were all unconscious. I told them everything on our way home." Sarah knelt in front of him. "Are you okay?"

They locked eyes, and Michael drew in a breath. "You know they can't know."

Sarah chewed her lip. "But would it be so bad if a few people know? My parents were helpful today. I'm sure other people would be helpful too, and then we'd have allie—"

Dimokre Chronicles Book 2: Sarah's FateWhere stories live. Discover now