Chapter 25 - Planning and Building Forts

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"Okay," Sarah said, getting out of bed. She put her hands on her hips. "I'm going to offer some ideas of what to today, and whatever Kael says, goes. Unless what Kael wants to do is to not decide, then we can dump that responsibility on Michael."

She winked at Kael, who smiled. Michael crossed his arms but knew better than to protest.

"Option A: We stay in bed as long as we feel like. We can talk and watch TV. We'll just have a full-on lazy day. I'm talking PJ's-only, no properly starting the day kind of Lazy Day. Ordering pizza, obviously included."

Kael oohed at that.

Sarah grinned. "Option B! We get ice cream and junk food and have a day of board games and movies. Perhaps we can even trick Michael into cooking substantial food for us."

Michael sighed teasingly, but Kael laughed and clapped.

"Option C: We get ice cream and junk food and go through Lynette's things that are here. We can talk about anything Kael wants to. Whether it's why he likes talking to flufoids or why his mom was the absolute best."

Kael hugged his knees and shook his head.

Sarah clicked her tongue, flailing her arms around. "Okay, scratch that! The new Option C: Kael and Michael have a guy's day and do whatever you want, whether it's going to the zoo, the aquarium, the movies, the library—preferably the human one, or a shop or restaurant Kael likes. You guys can also get stuff for Horizon and get him settled at Michael's apartment. And when you get back here tonight, I may or may not have an awesome blanket fort and movies and junk food for us to stay up all night watching, and by all night, I mean 11 p.m., which is two whole hours after Kael's usual bedtime."

Kael bounced up and down. "That one! That one! I choose Option C!"

"Excellent choice, my dear boy," Sarah said in a goofy voice, bowing dramatically.

After Michael took Kael and Horizon home, Sarah relaxed. She reread her letter from Lynette a few times. She still felt guilty, but it was comforting to read Lynette's words. Sarah didn't know her as well as Michael did, and obviously not like Kael did, but she still felt like Lynette was her friend. It was horrible to see her body in visions, dreams, and in real life. It was horrible to see Kael and Michael so beat up. To panic about what to do to protect them and get rid of Iscariot.

Sarah sighed, collapsing onto the couch. She curled into a ball. Her parents came out and left for work. Sarah hid her emotions well, not able to explain that Kael's mother was murdered by a spirit. When they asked her if she was needed a ride to school, she said she'll use one of her mental health days, which was a stay-at-home free card with no questions asked, as long as she had no assignments or tests that day. Once they left, Sarah picked herself up and began preparing for her family's return.

She collected all the blankets in the whole house, except for her parents' bedding. She tucked, folded, spread, threw, and lined blankets over nearly everything. She even carefully moved the TV to the floor to have an easier viewing experience. She cut up fruit for fruit salads, blended milkshakes and put them in the freezer, got the crackers out, and got the popcorn ready for Kael to choose and put in the microwave.

Sarah texted Michael a couple questions about Kael's favorite movies and junk food, and when he responded, she discovered she was missing about half of both categories. Unacceptable, she decided.

She changed, grabbed her keys, phone, and wallet, and dashed out to go get the missing supplies. She even found a board game she thought Kael and her family might like.

She shouldered all her bags and went to text Michael.

SARAH: Okay, I did it! I got everything I think we needed.

MICHAEL: You're awesome, but I'll be happy if Kael eats one honeybun.

SARAH: I remember not wanting to eat after Grammy passed away. Then I found one thing I could handle eating. Definitely wasn't healthy, but junk food's still food and was the only thing I didn't mind eating. We'll find that for him, and hopefully his normal appetite will come back.

MICHAEL: Sounds good. I know I've said this before. But you're awesome. I'm really glad you're here for us.

Sarah smiled. She wiped her eyes and stopped at a crosswalk.

"Of course!" She typed. "I love you guys and am happy to help <3" She stared at the words she just typed. She typed it so easily, she realized how true it was. With her face heating up, she almost hit sent. Her finger hovered over the send button, then twitched to the delete. She opted to delete.

However before she could, something slammed against the back of her head. Her bags dropped, and she fell to the ground.

Dimokre Chronicles Book 2: Sarah's FateWhere stories live. Discover now