Chapter 13 - Spells and Alexander

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Michael looked up from his arm pillow and blinked to get used to the amount of light in the library. He glanced around. I thought I heard—

Sure enough, Sarah was peeking around a bookshelf, hissing his name and wagging her hand at him. He rubbed his eyes, told Kael he'd be right back, and scooted out from the table. He walked over to her, and she seized his hand and yanked him inside.

"Hey, what's—" Michael cut himself off.

Alex stood there, staring up at them. His body looked thin, pale, and weak. What scared Michael the most were Alex's eyes. They looked empty and glass-like. While Alex and Michael locked on each other immediately, Alex's eyes held no recognition. Alex might as well be staring at a stranger.

"....Alex...?" Michael trembled. He wanted to run and pick up Alex. He wanted to hug him tightly and apologize. For fuck's sake, he wanted to take him home to eat, sleep, and shower. Alex hadn't been taken care of at all.

Alex's mouth twitched into a smile. "Hello, Michael. Just the person we were hoping to find."

Michael's suspicions were confirmed. Alex isn't himself. A hard, gutted feeling twisted his stomach into knots. Alex's mouth moved, but Michael couldn't hear him speak. The aisle felt too small, too warm. Alex was here. Physically here. He could grab him, but at what cost? Could the Huntress kill him? Alex didn't even recognize him. That's not my brother.

Something warm and slender wormed its way in his hand right as he was about to crumble to the floor. He jumped and snapped his attention to Sarah. She squeezed his hand and looked up at him.

Michael swallowed, nodding. He squeezed her hand and glanced back at Alex. "I..." He couldn't breathe. He let go, turned, and walked away. "I need a minute," he whispered to Sarah.

What is wrong with me? He should be with his brother. He shouldn't be leaving Alex's side. But it was too much. Alex wasn't Alex.

Alex followed Michael, with Sarah running behind them trying to talk to him. Kael looked up, his eyes widening. Michael heard Kael say, "Whoah."

Alex sat at the desk across from Kael and gave him a shrewd look with his lips pursed and eyes squinted. Then he glanced up at Michael. "Let me know when you're ready to not be a child."

Michael's mouth gaped open.

Sarah interjected. "We're surprised to see you, Alex. Do you know how long you've been missing?"

Alex glowered at her sharply. "This doesn't concern you, Miss Williams, and Alex knows nothing. Touch all you want, but you're not going to see any useful past memories. Even if you see a good future—" He smirked coldly at her. "—know that can easily be changed."

Sarah let out a sharp, uneasy breath.

Alex turned back to Michael. "We have a deal for you. I say 'we,' but really, it's just me. Alex has no say in the situation." He shrugged and scrunched up his face. "Obviously."

A long spear suddenly materialized and landed in Mr. Papper's hand. Michael jumped to see Mr. Papper appear beside him. He grazed the spear against Alex's neck. "I thought I sensed a slave here. Your spells were strong, Huntress, but our magic eats away at disguises if you stay too long."

Alex leaned forward, resting on his forearms on the table. Michael flinched as the spear pierced Alex's skin. "Aw, Pappy, you offend me. If I didn't want you to know something, you wouldn't."

"We are Guardians of Knowledge."

"And I'm a dimokre; your point? I'm one of the most powerful spirits under the Extremes. You're a glorified librarian, darling."

Mr. Papper tensed, looking like he was about to run Alex through. Michael grabbed his shoulder. "Stop, you're going to hurt him. Please, Papper. He's my brother."

Mr. Papper stared at him, his eyes widening, questioning.

Michael nodded. Yes, the person I've been researching how to free every time I come here.

Mr. Papper pulled slightly away, but the blood dripped down Alex's neck, staining his shirt.

Alex seemed hardly bothered. "Now that everybody's finally here, here's my proposal. I won't kill Alex if you give me what I need."

"... What do you need?" Mr. Papper asked severely.

"Well, this is a library. What do you think, hon?" Alex's eyes squinted playfully at Mr. Papper.

"We're not giving you books."

"Okay," Alex answered, his voice sing-songy and melodious, and he snapped his fingers. The spear disappeared from Mr. Papper's hands and reappeared in Alex's. He turned it over to aim at his own neck. "One..."

"No!" Michael dived for Alex, but he disappeared and reappeared further away.

"Two," Alex's voice broke, the spear pressing into his chest. Drops of blood pooled around his feet.

Mr. Papper's eyes widened. "In... Insanity!"

"Mr. Papper, please," Sarah said, darting over to him. "She will kill him; please."

"You want to risk the whole spirit world for the sake of a human child? I'm sorry, Michael, we considered you a dear friend and want to help you, but we can't make such a foolish sacrifice."

Sarah glanced back at Michael and gasped.

Anger boiled inside him, and he lunged. 

Dimokre Chronicles Book 2: Sarah's FateWhere stories live. Discover now