Chapter 4 - Burgers and Bedtime

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"Burgers are here!" Bryan burst through the garage door carrying a couple bags. "Including a veggie burger." He grinned at Sarah.

They got up to divvy out the food while Bryan went to go wake up Amanda. When her parents came out, the kids were half-way through their burgers. Kael sunk into his chair to eat, but the rest were fine eating where they stood, crowded around the kitchen island.

Bryan broke the silence. "So, I know you've had a long day, but uh—" He glanced at Amanda who nodded. "—we have more questions."

They alternated with questions and crazy or funny stories from Kael. The more Sarah's parents discovered about the strange world her parents rescued them from, the more Michael was sure Sarah wouldn't be allowed to go anymore. Sarah kept piping up to declare she's fine, that Michael can turn into a wolf, and that she has a sword. Michael got out a glass to get water, and Bryan and Amanda scooted to the side to let him get ice from the fridge. They focused on what Sarah was saying, and Michael sprinkled dust over them.

The questions stopped. Sarah trailed off. Michael was afraid Kael would blurt out something he shouldn't, but he said nothing. Michael smoothed the conversation and vaguely filled in the blanks for Sarah's parents. They accepted it in an easy haze. Sarah finally got her parents to go to bed, insisting that she would make sure the guest bedroom was clean and ready for them to spend the night, not wanting her parents to go upstairs and see Gaith still in Sarah's bed, guessing they no longer remember him.

Sarah came back, hugging her arms. "Okay. That's over with. They really would let you guys stay the night though."

"I know, but we should get going."

"Even Gaith?" Kael asked. "Maybe Sarah's parents could adopt him!"

Sarah opened her mouth, but Michael shook his head. "I know you mean well, kiddo, but a spirit living in a human's house isn't a good idea. Especially since Gaith can't control his powers yet. But I'll find somewhere else he can live; I promise."

Kael sighed, but nodded. "Okay. Maybe Mom could take him?" Kael brightened. "He'd be my little brother!"

Michael smiled. "We'll see. Can you go upstairs and wake him up? We need to get going."

Kael nodded. He hugged Sarah's legs on his way. Michael's eyes followed Kael and noticed that Sarah's eyes glowed when she touched him. Michael waited for Kael to dart upstairs before glancing back at Sarah.

"What'd you see?"

"I saw Gaith upset in full devil mode. They were in the spirit world, and Kael was yelling to run or something; I could't quite focus on the memory."

"In the forest? Not around the ruins?"

Sarah nodded.

"I see." Michael shrugged. "Since Gaith can't control his powers or his temper, it might not be something to worry about yet, but we'll keep an eye out."

Kael came back, holding the hand of a half-awake Gaith. Sarah helped him get on Michael's back, and Kael took his hand. They waved goodbye.

Dimokre Chronicles Book 2: Sarah's FateWhere stories live. Discover now