Chapter 23 - Stuck in a Snow Globe

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"Well... we could go down into the attic and break the floor?" Michael offered.

Sarah shook her head. "He's waiting for us down there."


"Already. I told you; we didn't have a lot of time."

"I'm sorry." Kael sobbed. "I should've left when you told me to."

Sarah bit her lip. The glow around her eyes faded. She sheathed her sword and scooped Kael up to hug him. "I'm sorry, Kael. None of this is your fault. Michael and I are just trying to figure out how to get out of here. We're not blaming you. No matter what any of us did or will do, there was never going to be an easy way out of this situation."

Icicles grew from the ceiling. Sarah frowned, looking up at them. "We need to talk quietly, to keep them from shaking and crashing. Kael, do you think you could heat up a small part of the ice wall so we can escape?"

Kael hugged his arms. "I can try." He walked quickly to the wall by the nail pegs, eying the icicles above them nervously.

"No, not there. Iscariot'll be expecting that. Is there any wall that doesn't have windows or doors where we could climb down hopefully without him noticing?"

Kael nodded. "The corner with the bathroom."

"Do it."

Kael nodded and went to that corner and held up his hands to it. Fire swelled out of his palms, and the ice sweated down the wall.

Sarah turned to Michael. "How's your hands? Think you can climb down?"

Michael nodded, bending them and stretching them out. "Yeah, they've healed completely now." He glanced at Kael, then took Sarah's hand and walked a bit away from him. Michael said in a low voice, "So can you tell where Iscariot is downstairs?"

"Yes. He's guarding Lynette."

"Even if we're able to climb down from the roof without him noticing, how the hell are we gonna manage running away?"

"Honestly, I'm hoping Danny will be back by then. If he's not, you need to go down first as quietly as possible, with Kael in fox form on your head."

"After we've all climbed down, then I turn wolf, and we run away?"

"More or less."

"There's no way he's not gonna hear me run. He'll chase after us. And I'll be slow, carrying two people."

"That's why it'll just be you and Kael in his small fox form running away," Sarah said quietly. "I'll stay on the roof and make those icicles crash to distract him."


"Michael, there's not a lot of—"

"No, I don't care. I'm not leaving you behind to distract a—" He glanced back at Kael to make sure he wasn't listening. He whispered, "—a crazy serial killer."

"I think it's adorable you think you've got a choice."


"Yes, Michael?"

"Uhm, before you guys yell or kiss, I just wanted to say, I made a hole," Kael said, pulling on Sarah's and Michael's hands.

"We weren't about to—" Michael sighed. He ruffled Kael's hair. "Good job, kit. You and Sarah will go down first. Ouch."

Sarah had pinched him. He shot a look at her. She unsheathed her sword.

Kael sighed. "Just because I'm in shock or sometimes act like I don't know what's going on, that doesn't mean I don't have an idea of the situations we're in. We're all going. No one's staying to distract the crazy serial killer. That's my final decision." He squeezed both their hands and pulled them to the hole. He frowned. It was frozen over again. The seam over the newly covered hole was bumpy and sloppily made.

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