Chapter 22 - Iscariot and Lanterns

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The smell of blood pierced through to Michael's nose, and he snorted, turning anim-latic. Ice and glass crunched under his feet as he entered the room.

"You're weak. You know that, little prince?" A man's smooth, high voice asked.

Remember, you need to stay calm. Sarah's words were difficult to follow. The man's hand raised, ice and snow clustering around his fist. Kael whimpered in front of the man, where Michael couldn't see.

Something inside Michael just snapped. Remember, you need to stay calm. Michael counted to ten in his head as he tackled the man to the ground. Michael's fists whammed into the man's face.

The man had almost no physical strength. He held up his arms pathetically to block his face, but after Michael broke each arm with only one hit, they fell uselessly to his side. Michael glanced at Kael to yell at him to run, but there was one icicle pinning him to the wall and another nearly to his leg.

Michael wrapped his hands around the man's neck. He leaned forward so all his weight compressed it. "Don't say a single fucking word. Melt those two icicles, or I will kill you."

The man's icy eyes glared at him, and Michael nearly fell back. Those eyes had nothing to lose. They were angry and wide from insanity. Michael didn't want to do this in front of Kael. He glanced around, seeing Lynette's dead body on the chair in front of him.

I want to get Kael out of here.

Michael let his claws slide a centimeter out of his fingertips. They pierced the man's neck, making him swallow and arch away into the ground. Blood oozed out of the pierced holes.

"You have until three to release my brother."

"Michael...?" Kael asked drowsily. "I'm scared." He sounded like he just woke up after fainting, either from shock or pain. Anger boiled inside Michael.

"I'm here, buddy. Keep your eyes closed and hum that song Sarah showed you the other day."

"Okay..." Kael mumbled. There was a short pause, as Kael tried to think of how the tune started. Then a faint, exhausted hum began.

"One," Michael whispered, his voice cutting through the air.

The man grimaced, but his eyes glowered up at Michael.

"Two," Michael hissed, leaning forward. His claws slid deeper into the man's neck.

The man's breathing became labored, but still, he didn't move.

Michael pressed down, able to feel the man's flesh around his claws and fingers. "Three."

The man flung his hands around Michael's wrists, and freezing cold cut through. Michael grimaced, and the man let go before whamming his icy palms against Michael's ears as hard as he could.

The room spun, and Michael toppled off the man. He grimaced and managed to get to his feet. When he looked up, the man's neck was healed. His eyes weren't even on Michael. They were on Kael, and he grinned wildly.

Michael ran at him, but his feet got stuck. Michael tripped onto the floor, whipping his head around to see a large patch of ice clutching Michael's feet. They spread across his legs.

The man grinned coldly at him and aimed his hand at Kael's chest.

"Kael, shoot fire! Heat the ice! Run!" Michael screamed, panicking. He tried to turn wolf, but the ice clung to him and wouldn't let him move. He even tried beast, but his anger was overshadowed by fear.

Kael's eyes snapped open, to see the man about to kill him. Pee trickled down Kael's leg, and he seemed unable to move or even speak. Michael stretched out. Ice tore at his jeans and pierced into his legs, but he managed to grab hold of the man's leg. He pulled as hard as he could, but the man froze Michael's wrists to the ground and easily yanked his foot free. He smashed his heel onto Michael's hands. Michael's fingers twisted in wrong directions, trembling.

Dimokre Chronicles Book 2: Sarah's FateWhere stories live. Discover now